Abortions – “Safe, Legal and Rare”
Bill Clinton promised as President that he would make abortions “safe, legal and rare.”
Abortion has resulted in the deaths
of over 59,000,000 Americans
and over 1.4 Trillion worldwide
– all helpless children.
I think there are too many abortions in America. I think there should be much more adoption in America. But I do not believe that it is self evident from the Bible that all abortions are murder. (President Bill Clinton, ABC Interview by Peggy Wehmeyer, “American Agenda”, March 22, 1994.)
Despite Bill Clinton’s statement about making abortion “safe, legal, and rare,” there was not a single form of baby-killing which he has opposed. He never spoke out against such outrageous procedures as sex-selection abortions, where boys or girls are killed because they weren’t what their parents had in mind. Rather, Mr. Clinton sought (and obtained) additional millions from Congress to promote abortions around the world.
Bill Clinton openly defended his “Final Solution” to crisis pregnancy, repeatedly vetoing a partial-birth abortion ban, thereby allowing this brutal procedure to continue with no restrictions.
Partial-Birth Abortion is an Affront
to Everything this Nation Stands For
There is no way that Bill Clinton
can whitewash the truth that
abortion stops a beating heart.
Democrats led by Bill Clinton supported The Freedom of Choice Act, guaranteeing abortion rights to women, regardless of the Supreme Court’s possible reconsideration of Roe vs. Wade, and overriding existing state regulations and provisions.
The Freedom of Choice Act would take abortion out of the hands of the Supreme Court, the state legislatures that have traditionally regulated it, or any other agency that would regulate or restrict it.The Clinton administration vigorously supported this legislation but wasn’t able to get it through Congress. But those in power have not given up. Clinton’s culture of death is still working to get this bill passed.
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Ca.) introduced it again on April 6, 2006.
- The bill promoted by Democrats and which Clinton supported, permitted no limits on the killing of unborn babies. None! If passed, it will remove all restrictions on abortion in all fifty sates, during all nine months of pregnancy, for any or no reason at all. Terminating a little life because she is a girl instead of a boy would be entirely legal in all 50 states.
- Existing laws permitted by the Supreme Court in the Casey decision (1992) allowing waiting periods designed to ensure parental notification before abortions are performed on underage girls would be nullified.
- A fully viable infant could be fair game even in the eighth or ninth month of pregnancy. Abortions would be legal in any circumstance if “the health of the mother” warranted. Since “health” was not defined, it is reasonable to assume the provision includes “psychological health” as a justification. Thus, a baby could be killed up to the moment of birth for any reason – or for no reason at all.
- During his tenure in the United States Senate, Barack Obama co-sponsored the 2007 Senate version of the Freedom of Choice Act (S. 1173).
“The first thing the Democratic leaders don’t want you to hear is that, on this single issue [abortion], they have become a lock-step, litmus-test, gag-rule party. They have been intolerant of those who hold the pro-life view, who have carried the Democratic banner into battle and supported the party and its candidates for generations. The new intolerance will not abide doubt or dissent — it claims it stands for freedom of choice, but it stifles freedom of speech. And so a movement that began by saying ‘let every person decide’ has ended up by silencing anyone who disagrees.”
--Former Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Robert Casey, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 8/23/96
President Clinton clamped down on abortion protesters, with Bill Clinton signing legislation that makes blocking a clinic a federal offense. The Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) passed in late 1993.
“The scope of FACE is so broad that it makes no distinction between violent and non-violent protesters, and, simply because they are pro-life, subjects them to the same harsh penalties,” stated Elizabeth Law, director of government relations for the Family Research Council.
The law limits First Amendment rights based on political beliefs. Praying, sidewalk counseling, picketing– any activity construed as blocking clinic sidewalks or driveways– is strictly prohibited for anyone with a pro-life viewpoint. In theory, this legislation prevents acts of violence at abortion clinics, but in actuality, it hinders free speech rights for a single group of people — pro-lifers.
In April, 1998, a U.S. District Court held Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League liable for damaging the ability of abortion clinics to conduct business over the past 15 years. The ruling in NOW v. Scheidler, awarded $255,000 in damages to abortion clinics in Delaware and Wisconsin and effectively punishes pro-life organizations for persuading women not to have abortions. It also classifies some pro-life speech as organized crime. (Washington Watch, May 1998)
Population Control
The Democratic platform has long stood behind the right of every woman to choose and claim it as a constitutional liberty (Roe v Wade). They support contraceptive research, family planning, and comprehensive family life education – all eugenic ideas of Margaret Sanger. And, through their promotion of universal health care and expanded funding for Planned Parenthood, they want all Americans to pay for abortions. Coincidentally, at the same time Democrats call for higher taxes on the wealthy (they call it paying their fair share). In a curious racist misdirection, they are in essence calling on rich white folks to contribute more to the extermination of poor black folks.
White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers said on April 1, 1993, the Administration regards abortion as “part of the overall approach to population control.” The Clinton Administration submitted to Congress a proposed bill to completely rewrite the Foreign Assistance Act, which is the complicated law that governs the U.S. foreign aid program. The Clinton proposal would repeal the Helms Amendment which prohibits the use of U.S. foreign aid funds to pay for abortion.
- Clinton reversed the “Mexico City Policy” instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 which required that U.S. assistance for overseas birth control programs be provided only to organizations that did not “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.” According to the Boston Globe (Jan. 20, 1993), Bill Clinton complained that the anti-abortion Mexico City policy “had severely limited international family planning and population control.” Douglas Johnson, NRLC legislative director, said, “Clinton’s actions means that U.S. tax dollars will be used to pressure African and other Third World governments to accept abortion as a method of birth control, although abortion violates the legal, cultural, and religious values of most less-developed nations.” The Los Angeles Times (Jan. 24, 1993) quotes Mr. Clinton as saying, “Many believe that [rescinding the ‘Mexico City policy’] is one of the most important environmental steps we can take.” Mr. Clinton’s moral confusion is chilling: the unborn must be sacrificed on the altar of environmentalism.On January 22, 2001, President George W. Bush reinstated the policy by executive order, stating, “It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortions or advocate or actively promote abortion, either here or abroad.The policy was rescinded again by President Barack Obama on January 23, 2009 and further reinstated on January 23, 2017 by President Donald Trump. Trump not only reinstated the policy but expanded it, making it cover all global health organizations that receive U.S. government funding, rather than only family planning organizations that do, as was previously the case.
- The Clinton Administration resumed funding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The UNFPA is extensively involved in the population-control program of the People’s Republic of China, which relies heavily upon coercive methods, including compulsory abortion and sterilization. The Henan Legal News, an official publication of the Chinese government, verified that two hospital officials caught helping women escape forcible sterilization were sentenced to death. In January 1994, the Chinese government also officially announced its plan to reduce, through abortion, the number of disabled and diseased children in China. Under the new laws, people with reproductive, hereditary or acute infectious diseases or with severe mental illness will be prohibited from marrying and having children. Doctors are required to recommend abortion if the pregnancy is “liable to result in the birth of a seriously sick or disabled baby.”
- Vice President Al Gore led a U.S. delegation to the population conference in Cairo Egypt, a delegation that included Congresswomen Pat Schroeder and Jane Fonda as well as private advisers such as feminist leader Bella Abzug. Pro-lifers were not welcomed. Some were actually harassed. Vice President Gore insisted over and over that the term “reproductive health” in the Cairo population document did not imply abortion. But he must know that’s exactly what it means in U.S. law.
- Clinton ended the gag rule that restricted abortion counseling in federally funded clinics. Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala suspended the 1988 Reagan regulations on Title X. In revoking this regulation, Clinton directed that 4,000 federally funded family planning clinics counsel all pregnant women and minors regarding abortion as a “pregnancy management option,” that is, as a method of birth control.
- The tax-funded federal program known as Title X was created back in 1970 by Congress in order to fund “family planning” services for poor women. When this program was first drafted, the original language clearly stated “none of the funds appropriated under this Title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” By the 1980’s most Title X funds were being dispersed to clinics that either referred women for abortions or actually performed abortions on the premises. This misuse of funds continued until 1988, when the Reagan Administration issued regulations that barred Title X grants to clinics that promoted, referred, or performed abortions.
- Since Bill Clinton was in office, funding for Title X program has nearly doubled from $150 million a year to $288 million in 2005, with possibly as much as a third of it going to fund abortion-related services.
Health Care
Who can forget Bill and Hillary Clinton’s failed legislative proposal for a government-controlled health care system that would have mandated coverage of abortion on demand as a plan “benefit.” Under the failed Clinton Health Care proposal, every American would have been required to buy a federally defined “benefits package” that includes abortion on demand, paid for with payroll deductions for government-mandated “premiums.” The government would pay the premiums for poor people, thereby nullifying the Hyde amendment and all state laws that currently restrict tax-funded abortion.
The Clinton’s Health Care Plan perverted the very purpose of medicine: institutionalized killing in the form of abortion on demand and its logical counterpart, euthanasia through denial of treatment and care. Bill Clinton stated in a September 21, 1993 interview on MTV that the coverage of pregnancy related services “will guarantee that most plans will cover abortions.” The Clinton’s want all taxpayers to subsidize abortion on demand and for our insurance premiums to pay for abortions.
It is astounding that the president of a civilized nation should propose a plan under which life destroying abortion would be subsidized and routinely available as a “medical service” while life-saving, life-extending, and life-improving care would have to be withheld to meet the limits imposed by capping premiums well below the rate of health care cost inflation, leaving us at the mercy of some administrator’s notion of what is “cost effective” care to preserve an acceptable “quality of life.”
What the Clinton’s were unable to accomplish, Barack Obama resurrected. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, informally referred to as Obamacare, was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and made family planning services part of a standard health insurance package. Section 1303 would require enrollees in the health care exchanges to pay a separate monthly surcharge for abortion coverage. Because of a useless executive order, which was supposed to forbid tax dollars from paying for abortions, that swayed self-professed pro-life Members of Congress to vote for the monstrosity, the bill passed. Now final rules from HHS could not be clearer: taxpayers, whether they are pro-life or pro-choice, will certainly be paying for abortions. In rules that go into effect in 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has finalized the policies governing state health care exchanges under President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and with it the rules governing abortion coverage under the new law, including a $1 surcharge for abortion coverage.
There is a new legal theory spreading among abortion enthusiasts — abortion as self-defense. This theory, reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education, acknowledges the humanity of the unborn child but sees the prenatal life as an intruder to be eliminated. In her new book, Breaking Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent, Eileen McDonagh uses this chilling argument: “Even in a medically normal pregnancy, the fetus massively intrudes on a woman’s body and expropriates her liberty. If the woman does not consent to this transformation and use of her body, the fetus’s imposition constitutes injuries sufficient to justify the use of deadly force to stop it.” She is advocating a coldly, calculated form of “justifiable homicide.”
Birth Control
Clinton supported the abortifacient, RU 486, to permit self-administered abortions. Authorization to legalize this drug was signed on the third day after his inauguration.
RU-486 is not the carefree solution it’s made out to be. “After a woman has a pregnancy test and has her fetus dated, she must undergo a pelvic exam, blood test, and an ultra-sound exam using an intra-vaginal probe. After a one-week waiting period, she takes three RU-486 tablets registered under her name and leaves the clinic; 36-48 hours later, she returns for an injection of a synthetic prostaglandin and stays in the clinic for about four hours for monitoring. The woman returns to the clinic seven days later to ensure that the abortion is complete and to have her bleeding monitored; if the pill has failed, a surgical abortion is performed.”
Social spending advocates expect government to substitute for mothers and fathers. Social spending by the federal government for children and families has increased dramatically since 1960, yet, almost all indicators suggest that child well-being today lags behind what it was three decades ago. Clinton’s “Bridge to the future” means more money and less results.
Fetal Tissue Research
Although hardly mentioned in either the secular or Christian media, on June 10, 1993, President Clinton signed into law the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993. Part Two of this legislation authorized for the first time in U.S. history, government funded research using tissue from aborted fetuses. With this stroke of a pen, it became legal to cannibalize and commercialize the tiny bodies of murdered babies.
- Supporters of the Bill call it “pro-life” because the research being conducted on fetal tissue from abortions might benefit patients suffering from debilitating conditions such as diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. “To call this a pro-life bill sounds like the ‘New Speak’ of Nazi Germany,” said Ralph Reed, executive director of Christian Coalition. “This legislation would have benefited only one group – the half-billion dollar a year abortion industry.” There is something deeply troubling about cannibalizing tiny bodes of living babies – even for humanitarian purposes. More unsettling is the method by which their tissue is taken from them. That process is not widely understood because the fetal researchers apparently don’t want the public to know what they are doing.
- An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Nov. 26, 1992) extolling the benefits of fetal tissue research doesn’t tell us that to harvest the brain tissue the baby must be alive. One method of extraction is a “partial birth abortion,” to drill open the baby’s skull while it is still in the birth canal and suction out of the live baby the brain tissue and placing it immediately on ice to preserve its viability. If kidneys or other organs are desired, they are removed while the child is still partially in the vagina. If puppies or kittens were subjected to such cruel treatment, the protest of the animal rights people would be heard around the world.
- A government advisory panel recommended that the government begin paying scientists to create and do research on human embryos outside the womb – most of which are illegal in several states and other industrialized nations. Under the guidelines proposed by the Human Embryo Research Panel of the National Institutes of Health, federal money could be used, for the first time, to conduct experiments on embryos growing in glass dishes for up to 14 days after fertilization. The panel said that very young embryos “do not have the same moral status as infants and children.” Also recommended for funding was:
- Using donated eggs and sperm for the special creation of “research embryos” — living human embryos whose only purpose in life will be to undergo harmful experiments and then be destroyed.
- Use of “parthenogenesis” (doubling the genetic complement of an egg without fertilization by sperm) to create new embryonic beings that can be grown in the laboratory and then dissected to provide “embryonic stem cell lines.”
- Experiments to manipulate the embryo in the laboratory beyond the “primitive streak” stage, up to “the closure of the neural tube.” This could carry destructive experiments into the fourth week of embryonic development, when the developing human has a beating heart and an early nervous system.
- Harvesting eggs from the ovaries of aborted fetuses to make “research embryos” and “parthenotes” to be experimented on and discarded.
- Use of a “cloning” procedure known as “artificial twinning” or “blastomere splitting” to create several genetically identical embryos from one, so long as the resulting embryos are experimented on and discarded instead of being transferred to the womb.
- HEK 293 cells were generated in the early 70s from cultures of normal human embryonic kidney cells obtained from a single apparently healthy fetus legally aborted under Dutch law. In a August 2010 $30 million deal with biotech firm Senomyx Inc., PepsiCo has been using cells from an aborted fetus in taste testing experiments to produce flavor enhancers for Pepsi beverages. On the company website, Senomyx describes research to find new ways to improve food flavors by taking advantage of the mouth’s taste receptors. Senomyx has similar partnerships with other major food corporations, including Campbell’s Soup, Kraft Foods, and Nestlé. Bradley Mattes, executive director of Life Issues Institute, said, “While aborted fetal cells aren’t actually in the product itself, the close relationship is enough to repulse most consumers. To our knowledge, this is the first time a food product has been publicly associated with abortion.”24 vaccines (10 of these are used in the US) contain components that are produced using aborted fetal cell lines, 3 FDA approved recombinant drugs with up to 85 coming soon, and specialty cosmetic anti-aging creams are also produced using aborted fetal cell lines or aborted fetal cell proteins.
In a related issue, customs officials in South Korea discover an underground drug trade involving powdered, dead babies. Numerous sources confirm that thousands of capsules containing dead baby remains in powdered form were confiscated in recent months in South Korea after travelers tried to smuggle these supposedly “cure-all” drugs in from China.
It has been reported that upwards of 336 million abortions have been performed in China since 1971.
Harvesting and Trafficking the Body Parts of Aborted Babies.
In 2015, Planned Parenthood was exposed in a series of undercover videos to be negotiating the price for organs of unborn babies.
In this first video captured by The Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describes how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, and admits she uses partial birth abortion to supply intact body parts.
The buyers ask Nucatola, “How much of a difference can that actually make, if you know kind of what’s expected, or what we need?”
“It makes a huge difference,” Nucatola replies. “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”
Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).
In a second undercover video, Dr. Mary Gatter, President, Medical Directors’ Council, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Medical Director, Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley haggles over payments for intact fetal specimens and offers to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts. along with Laurel Felczer, Senior Director of Medical Services, Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley.
Actors posing as buyers ask Gatter, “What would you expect for intact [fetal] tissue?”
“Well, why don’t you start by telling me what you’re used to paying!” Gatter replies.
Gatter continues: “You know, in negotiations whoever throws out the figure first is at a loss, right?” She explains, “I just don’t want to lowball,” before suggesting, “$75 a specimen.”
In another Planned Parenthood exposé video, Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses selling INTACT specimens – that is whole bodies of babies, and refers to them as “line items.”
BEWARE: The latter part of this video contains extremely disturbing images of them picking through aborted baby organs and body parts. It turned my stomach to see the technician pick up an intact tiny arm and hand that left no doubt this was a human being.
In this latest video, Farrell also notes that Planned Parenthood are capable of altering abortion procedures, in order to protect the tissue and organs they can then sell on to researchers. Farrell admits that it is against the law to alter the abortion procedure for such purposes. The previous videos, featuring other Planned Parenthood officials also contain admissions that the practice of altering abortions is something Planned Parenthood is capable of doing, even though it is illegal.
Pro life website LifeNews.com revealed the brains of aborted babies are being transplanted into mice. The article notes that a recent commentary piece in The Scientist, entitled “When Does a Smart Mouse Become Human?” highlights how researchers at the University of Rochester injected lab mice with glial cells from human fetuses, and discusses the ethical issue of transplanting human cells into animals. The article goes on to reveal that the Glial cells were obtained from second trimester abortions (18–22 weeks), citing a paper in the Journal of Neuroscience.
In a full unedited Planned Parenthood video from the Center For Medical Progress confirmed the abortion organization is indeed involved with this practice. Life News reports that
The full video, which runs for five hours and forty-five minutes, expands on a conversation between Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and two CMP actors posing as representatives of an organ procurement company. That conversation focused on potential compensation to Planned Parenthood in exchange for fetal remains.
In the lengthy video, Farrell is seen looking over her e-mail when she finds a message from an immune-biology laboratory that was requesting fetal tissue to create humanized mice. The full conversation can be reviewed beginning at the 4:27:45 time marker on the full video.
Vying for the 2016 presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton has been mostly silent about the videos showing a top Planned Parenthood doctor outlining plans to sell body parts from aborted babies. She did call the Planned Parenthood videos “disturbing,” but continues to defend the controversial women’s health organization, saying, “Planned Parenthood for more than a century has done a lot of really good work for women: cancer screenings, family planning, all kinds of health services.”
Hillary and husband Bill has long been supporters of Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton won Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award in 2009. She received more than $10,000 from the organization during two Senate runs and failed 2008 primary against President Barack Obama. In 2016, Planned Parenthood endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, the first endorsement in its 100-year existence.
Hillary and Bill Clinton and their ilk, Planned Parenthood and their supporters are not just misguided individuals… they are the epitome of evil and certainly demonically inspired and/or possessed. They are building on the work of Josef Mengele, nicknamed The Angel Of Death, using 21st Century technology to expand the Malthusian eugenics movement. Mengele was notorious for the selection of victims to be killed in the gas chambers and for performing deadly human experiments on prisoners. Mengele’s victims were put into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death. Children were exposed to experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. His doctors made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, removal of organs and limbs.
The Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Pro-choicer’s refer to unborn babies as a parasite or blob of tissue. When the Nazis described Jews as Untermenschen, or subhumans, they didn’t mean it metaphorically. They didn’t mean they were like subhumans. They meant they were literally subhuman. Any time you hear these oppressive descriptions, it is a denial of humanity that seeks to justify the deprivation of the God-given rights of the target group.
Margaret Sanger, the so-called mother of birth control and founder of what has become modern day Planned Parenthood, believed in a policy of race improvement to “create a race of thoroughbreds.” In 1922, Sanger wrote: “Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. People who cannot support their own offspring are encouraged by church and state to produce large families. Many of the children thus begotten are diseased and feebleminded. Many become criminals. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should have never been born.”
Once you start taking the lives of the unborn, the next class of people to lose their rights would be the elderly and the infirm. The same court system that established a constitutional right for a women to kill her unborn child is now saying there is a constitutional right for a doctor to assist in killing a patient. Two federal courts have recently ruled in favor of a constitutional “right” to doctor assisted suicide.
This order is the official revival of the eugenics movement which has not been officially sanctioned by a Western government since the Nuremburg war crimes trials. Fetal experimentation combined with genetic engineering is going to lead us right into the eugenics movement, the search and destroy mission for imperfect babies, unwanted human beings.
The Judiciary
Under our American system of government, federal judges are appointed for life by the President of the United States.
Federal Judges have accumulated such power in recent decades that today the President who appoints a federal judge is extending control over virtually every detail of our lives – public and private. Judges sitting on the district courts, the appellate courts, and the Supreme Court often pass judgment to establish policy in areas that our Founding Fathers never envisioned. It has become quite common for the courts to attempt to legislate their own social plans from the bench, overriding democratically elected legislatures and creating “constitutional rights” which did not formerly exist. Federal judges are now dictating parental rights, sexual rights, Christian freedoms, and more. In many cases these judges have cast off traditional morality and set aside 200 years of the public exercise of Christian principles to re-cast our society in a humanistic, anti-Christian, anti-virtue mold.
Clinton’s litmus test for the selection of Federal Judges, especially for the Supreme Court, was that they be pro-abortion.
Clinton nominated the second woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
- Judge Ginsburg has a well-established record as an advocate of abortion on demand, dating back to 1971 when she co-founded the Women’s Rights Project at the ACLU. Ginsburg was the general counsel for the ungodly, anti-Christian ACLU organization for over seven years. During those years, the ACLU fought to take Jesus and the Ten Commandments out of the classroom while New Age paganism and witchcraft flourished in the classroom.
- Judge Ginsburg equates denial of abortion with sex discrimination, and would not base abortion “rights” on a “right to privacy” as the Supreme court did in Roe v. Wade. Under her view of equal protection every abortion law would be invalidated on the theory of gender discrimination.
- Based on a report she co-authored (“Sex Bias in the U.S. Code,” Report for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, April 1977) and on her previous decisions, these are some of the positions she has expressed:
- The traditional family concept of the husband as a breadwinner and wife as a homemaker must be eliminated.
- The federal government must provide comprehensive child care.
- The Homestead Law must give twice as much benefit to couples who live apart from each other as to a husband and wife who live together.
- In the military, women must be drafted when men are drafted, and women must be assigned to combat duty.
- Affirmative action must be applied to equalize the number of men and women in the armed forces.
- The age of consent for sexual acts must be lowered to 12 years of age.
- Prostitution must be legalized. She wrote, “Prostitution as a consensual act between adults is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions.”
- All boy and all-girl organizations must be sexually integrated, as must all fraternities and sororities. The Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts must change their names and their purposes to become sex-integrated.
How is abortion a litmus test of a person’s stand on other issues?
- A person who doesn’t value the unborn and have concern for their lives probably won’t stand up for other dependent members of society, such as the elderly infirm, the disabled and the mentally challenged.
- Those who “go with the flow” of prevailing opinion on abortion may be easily influenced by their peers and not choose to think for themselves on other issues.
- A candidate who wants to restrict abortion is likely to be against other kinds of destructive influences in our culture such as gambling and pornography.
- How an individual views abortion is a good indicator of where they will stand on other human rights violations, including international ones.
- A candidate who is pro-life from the view that our constitution protects “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” will probably want to stick to the limits of the constitution on other matters as well.