Censorship – Google Style
First Amendment Banned as technocrats move to Censor the Internet
In a move to recover control over the flow of information, the government and corporate owned mainstream media has taken censorship to a whole new level. They are now working to shut down the Internet as we’ve known it and replace it with their own “clean” balkanized version.
The war on your mind has spread far beyond government sponsored propaganda to widespread public/private propaganda. Tech media giants have now partnered with governments across the globe to spread the collectivist agenda rooted in cultural Marxism.
Found in nearly all of the Internet content companies terms of service are provisions enabling them to censor any ideas they’re offended by.
The video-sharing website, YouTube, owned by Google since late 2006, succumbed to the pressure of corporate and government agencies to do it’s part in “cleaning up” the Internet. It has removed tens of thousands of video’s from public view and terminated accounts for those expressing things deemed inappropriate by some nameless bureaucrat.
They began the censorship purge citing copyright infringement, and have since expanded to include anything that counters the official collectivist narrative, citing violations of their “terms and conditions”. Their algorithm is demonetizing countless true stories because they present facts they don’t want you to see. Stories covering real, major policy topics like the climate crazy agenda, COVID masking, lockdowns, and vaccines, election integrity, transgenderism, and much more are the target of these information technocrats.
A Slippery Slope
What may have began when the popular alternative media channel run by InfoWars radio host Alex Jones was blocked by YouTube over accusations that it posted “conspiracy theories” about the Parkland High School shootings, and has now metastasized into a global information blackout. YouTube, Apple and Facebook have since completely removed Alex Jones and his Infowars website, citing repeated violations of policies against hate speech and glorifying violence.
We the people allowed that to happen
and now they’re coming for the rest of us.
Countless other conservative and Christian authors have also had their YouTube accounts terminated and censored across social media platforms. I am no exception, as I’ve had numerous articles censored on Facebook, demonetized by Google, and suffered the stifling effects of Google shadow banning. The common reason given for censoring my content is because they deem the content “dangerous, derogatory, harmful, or unreliable.”
Despite their efforts to crush Alex Jones, he remains defiant and continues to broadcast from his studio in Austin Texas.
In The Great Awakening, Alex Jones, gives you the good news about the failing plans of the globalists to control humanity. Working with New York Times bestselling author Kent Heckenlively, Jones masterfully gives you the deeper discussion about such hot button topics as the truth behind the globalists plans for artificial intelligence (AI), the central bank digital currency, social credit scores, Big Tech tyranny, censorship, fifteen-minute cities, the unholy alliance between big business and big government, the military-intelligence-industrial complex—which is hell-bent on eternal war—and the all-out assault on free speech and the Second Amendment.
Censorship of Political Speech
Countless people, including even the President of the United States, have been removed and banned from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Google because they expressed Constitutionally protected beliefs contrary to the collective. The Trump campaign and even the Trump Companies were booted by at least one of their email providers, preventing them from sending mass emails.
The attack on the First Amendment reached a new high in 2020 when Twitter and Facebook shut down the New York Post (the 4th largest newspaper in America) accounts after they reported on the information contained on the abandoned computer of Hunter Biden.
Labeled a far-right conspiracy theorist by Wikipedia, Christian conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was banned by Twitter for what they call spreading COVID-19 misinformation. Apparently she had the gall to tweet statistics from the government database Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. She has long been a target of censorship and disparagement by the socialist quarters of society. She’s been criticized in the past for her support of Donald Trump and her belief the 2020 election was stolen.
Will Kamala Harris Eventually Try To Silence X?
Censorship of Health Information
The coronavirus scare in 2020 expanded the censorship from political speech to health information. Medical doctors from across the globe have been censored because their content conflicted with the official narrative presented by the globalist World Health Organization.
The mere mention of 5G and coronavirus in the same article flagged the piece as “mis-information” that warranted it being censored. Likewise, anything that questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines is removed or shadow banned.
In a January 26 letter sent to YouTube content creators, the platform’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki, said, since February 2020, the platform had removed more than half a million videos for violating the COVID-19 rules.
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology behind the Covid vaccines, was de-platformed from LinkedIn and kicked off Twitter for his comments about the efficacy of the vaccines and his criticism of Dr. Fauci. Dr. Malone is one of the most qualified people to talk about this technology and since his perspective runs counter to the official narrative, the powers that shouldn’t be have decided his voice shouldn’t be heard.
“A coordinated censorship attack is being waged against the entire independent media by Google, YouTube and Facebook. After we were banned by Google for nearly a week, now Facebook is deliberately blocking the sharing of our stories to further censor our important reporting for human freedom and medical choice.” – From Mike Adams at The Health Ranger
Banned! – Book of Ours
Independent journalist Mike Cernovich reported that a video he uploaded of left-wing Antifa activists chanting death threats had been taken down by YouTube. The video shows Antifa shouting violent threats at attendees of Cernovich’s Night for Freedom event in Washington DC.
“New membership on my Facebook page has stopped dead. My best YouTube videos cannot be found. All because I posted videos of myself going on Fox News.” – Doug Wead See the offending video here.
This is not only censorship, but is also private/public sponsored and socially accepted discrimination.
Religious Speech Censored
According to a recent post on the official YouTube blog, “We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes.” YouTube is also planning to artificially alter its search results so that searches for “sensitive” topics on YouTube no longer return the most popular videos, but a “playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages.”
So, do you think these God hating progressives might consider pro-life messages or messages calling homosexuality a sin to be “controversial religious content”? Well, yeah. They already are.
In 2017, Facebook shut down the account for popular blogger Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “The Activist Mommy,” for expressing biblical views on homosexuality. She argued that the Bible does not condone homosexuality and she quoted scriptures from the Old and New Testament to support her. Facebook quickly removed the post and suspended Johnston’s account on three separate occasions. Facebook told Johnston her post did not “follow the Facebook Community Standards.” Facebook later apologized and reinstated Johnston’s account after coming under heavy fire from the media.
The war on your freedom of speech goes beyond social media to also infect the private sector.
Web hosting companies are shutting down web sites that allegedly violate their terms of service. Amazon told the growing popular social media site, Parler, it will suspend the company’s AWS hosting services on the same day that Apple suspended the social media app and one day after Google similarly removed it from the Play Store.
Mozilla, the non-profit company behind the Firefox browser and who receives of 90% of its funding from Google, has joined the fight against free speech by calling for the de-platforming of groups they don’t agree with . . . and more.
U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship
Another tactic being employed is to cut off the payment gateways and income source of those who they claim to be spreading dangerous, derogatory, or content that contradicts the World Health Organization or approved experts. Very similar tactic to how they punished online cigarette sellers and gun shops. Google, YouTube, and Facebook has been restricting income to alternative media for many months. More recently subscription-style payment company, Patreon, suspended the accounts of James Corbett and Ryan Cristián, preventing opt-in supporters from voluntarily contributing to their work. These guys are not wild-eyed flat earther conspiracy theorists. Unlike any mainstream media source, Corbett and Cristián are among the more objective reporters of the news who meticulously document and source their material. Far more accurate, honest, and trustworthy than the corporate owned mainstream media.
Not only are conservatives finding it increasingly difficult to communicate on social media, they are being harassed and pushed into debt by lawsuits filed by people who’ve had their feelings hurt, or by those who have found that the legal system can be weaponized to disrupt and destroy their opposition. Conservatives are mocked, ridiculed and even made into criminals, while the real criminals are busy making laws to advance a collectivist agenda inside America.
Just one example is the company that has been printing and fulfilling orders for Hagmann Report shirts decided that the Gadsden flag on the shirts and coffee mugs “violates their community standards.”
Others are prevented of selling their products online, forbidden from doing business with their banks, their payment processors, online retailers, and even ride sharing services.
What’s next? Privately owned cell phone companies restricting your conversations on your smart phone?
It’s not just conservative voices being censored. They are also censoring highly credentialed professionals in the medical field – medical doctors, PhD’s, experts and professionals who are directly connected to immunology, micro-biology, and infectious disease. These are among the kind of individuals we should be listening to – those that know the subject. I’m not saying they are necessarily correct in their assessment, but they have the right to speak on this topic and their opinions are valid and valuable – and should be heard. Instead, they are shut out, ridiculed, dismissed, and censored from the public debate.
While the kind of censorship we see today may protect sensitive ears from hearing what they don’t want to hear, it does great harm to anyone seeking information on all sides of an issue. For the average American that gets their news from the mainstream media and/or social media, they are being programmed to believe a highly distorted perspective of the world.
Instead, I believe people should have access to all sides of an issue so they can make their own choices. When people are told the facts by trusted authorities, they can do the right thing even without a Big Brother watching over their shoulders. A self-motivated and well-informed population is usually far more powerful and effective than a policed, ignorant population. Isn’t that what the First Amendment is about?
It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984
Shadow Banning
The Jeremiah Project website has been a victim of this censorship, too. It has lost many of its rankings for relevant keywords in the Google search. Where for years the website enjoyed front page listings for numerous relevant keyword phrases. Suddenly, the site was pushed back to a page 7 or later result. This is what has been termed, “shadow banning.”
The effect of that is, of course, a tremendous reduction in traffic. The reduced traffic has negatively impacted the sites income, generating only a fraction of the traffic and income it once did a year ago and beyond.
Take for example a Google search for the term “new world order.” What do you get?
The first results are pages that debunk the new world order as a conspiracy theory. Those are followed by listings for books sold by Amazon about the new world order or pages that extol the virtues of a more positive view of a new world order. Then you get listings for articles written by the mainstream media that largely water down the topic making it seem like a harmless political term. Not until, page 3 of the results do you find an entry for the alternative view of the new world order. Then, sprinkled among the many non-conspiratorial or entertainment sites on the following pages are a few alternative sites exposing the true agenda of the new world order. This is an example of shadow banning.
The once top ranked Jeremiah Project article on the new world order has been shadow banned to a search position people can no longer find.
Google recently notified me the following pages have been restricted because they contain “Dangerous or derogatory content.” Of course they don’t say precisely what is dangerous or derogatory.
- www.jeremiahproject.com/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/last-days/signs-of-the-last-days-mark-of-the-beast/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/category/new-world-order/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/demonstrating-the-hegelian-dialectic-as-applied-to-covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/hegelian-covid-19-solution-mandatory-vaccinations/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/the-bilderbergers/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/the-club-of-rome/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/understanding-hegelian-dialectic/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/why-all-this-covid-talk/
- www.jeremiahproject.com/tag/covid-19/
- www.mysilverinvestment.com/
As you peruse the pages here on the Jeremiah Project, you’re likely to encounter in increasing number of examples of the YouTube purge of conservative voices. It seems almost faster than I can post videos to this website, YouTube takes that video down or terminates the owner’s account. Take note of that when you see a video that has been replaced with the notice of termination.
How Google presents its search results do have a huge impact on what people believe to be true.
Here’s another interesting search you can try for yourself. Search Google images for “white couple.” What do you notice about a high number of its results? Not exactly an accurate representation of a white couple. Or try this one… search Google images for “idiot”. Do the results give you any clue about their political bent?
A search engine manipulation effect study by psychologist Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, says, “Internet search rankings have a significant impact on consumer choices, mainly because users trust and choose higher-ranked results more than lower-ranked results.”
In the video released by Sourcefed that Google’s search suggestions — often called “autocomplete” suggestions — were biased in favor of Mrs. Clinton, he says, “It is somewhat difficult to get the Google search bar to suggest negative searches related to Mrs. Clinton or to make any Clinton-related suggestions when one types a negative search term. Bing and Yahoo, on the other hand, often show a number of negative suggestions in response to the same search terms. Bing and Yahoo seem to be showing us what people are actually searching for; Google is showing us something else — but what, and for what purpose?”
It should be noted the relationship between Covid vaccines and Google present what appears to be a conflict of interest. Google has scrubbed its search engine and YouTube of anything contradicting the official narrative regarding vaccines. “Any content that includes claims about Covid-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO) will be removed from YouTube,” a YouTube spokesperson said.
At the same time, Google has a major financial interest in the Oxford-AstraZeneca developers’ private company – Vaccitech. This means that Google is poised to make a profit from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at a time when its video platform YouTube has moved to ban COVID-19 vaccine–related content that shines a negative light on COVID-19 vaccines, including the Oxford-AstraZeneca candidate.
Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are Private Companies and NOT subject to the U.S. Constitution
Now, I understand some will argue since these social media giants are not the government, they can’t violate the first amendment or free speech. The constitutional and other legal protections that prohibit or limit government censorship of the Internet do not generally apply to private corporations. They are private companies, not the government, and as such… can do whatever they want.
Where were those with that argument when Jack Phillips, the owner of the non-government Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo., declined to make a cake for the wedding celebration of two gay men in 2012? Or what about when Aaron and Melissa Klein, Christian owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Portland Oregon refused to bake a cake for a lesbian homosexual ceremony in 2013? They weren’t from the government. What about when Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin, whose company, Elane Photography, refused service for the 2007 commitment ceremony of a lesbian couple? Again, no government intervention denying these services.
The above cases were pretty focused on an individual and not a large swath of people. If those companies had colluded with national cake makers or photography associations to refuse service to homosexuals across the nation, that would probably be grounds for prosecution and I’m sure would not be allowed.
Tobias B. Wolff, a University of Pennsylvania law professor representing lesbian Vanessa Willock in the above case said the issue was a simple one: “Whatever service you provide, you must not discriminate against customers when you engage in public commerce.”
Isn’t that what Google and Facebook are doing? Engaging in public commerce? Seems to me that Google and YouTube have a virtual monopoly on search results and online video, and certainly are engaging in public commerce. Facebook has become what is known as the “public square”. Using Wolff’s rationale, YouTube will be infringing on the Constitutional rights of those YouTubers being censored.
Following the de-platforming of Alex Jones and others on Facebook, some argue that the First Amendment does not apply because they, too, are a private company. While that may be true, technically, in practice there’s more to the story. Facebook, Google, and YouTube are not just any ordinary company. They are huge corporations that control most of the Internet. These platforms have become the “public square” where almost all Internet conversations take place. We’re not talking silencing the voices of a few individuals here. They are shutting out of the debate and access to the issues the conversations for millions of Americans.
While these companies may not be violating the technical definition of the First Amendment, they are certainly violating the spirit and traditions long held by most Americans and are undermining the very foundations of our republic. Simply, they are acting un-American.
“Like religious liberty, freedom of speech and of the press is required by the freedom of the human mind. More plainly, it is a requirement for any government in which the people choose the direction of government policy. To choose requires public deliberation and debate. A people that cannot publicly express its opinions, exchange ideas, or openly argue about the
course of its government is not free.” [The 1776 Report]
Government has overcome our constitutional rights by merging with private corporations who can operate without restraint, in secret, punishing, purging, and disappearing dissidents. As Facebook, and Google, and Twitter, and Amazon have done virtually. This is globalization. Globalization erases boundaries going from the city all the way up to the nation. It is the end of representative government.
Public/Private Partnership
There seems to be a growing gray area between private enterprise and government. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are not your ordinary every-day private company – they are global. And, these companies have strong financial ties to the federal government. We all know that as a startup Google was funded by the Intelligence Community in order to spy on people who searched specific topics on the internet and identify them. Basically to turn the tables on you and expose you to surveillance. Google continues to this day to profit hugely from government contracts and other business ties. What responsibility do these public-private partnerships have when dealing with the American consumer? Where do you draw the line between the freedoms of private industry and the responsibility of government when the two are intertwined?
Some of these private companies do the government’s bidding to violate our Constitutional rights under the cloak of not being subject to the Bill of Rights because they’re “private”. This marriage of “Big Tech” and Big Government is an unholy union, and its spawn threatens the very foundation of our Republic.
Internet Giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others are now wading deep into the business of censoring speech to carry out the bidding of government actors. Big Tech claims they’re waging war on so-called “fake news” and “propaganda,” while protecting users from alleged “hate speech” by silencing anti-establishment voices.
Take, for example, when Visa and MasterCard cut off services to a neoconservative group because they found themselves on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of alleged “Hate Groups”?
Operation Choke Point
I’ve personally experienced the financial effects of this public/private partnership when FDIC controlled banks refused one of my businesses to accept or process credit card transactions. It basically neutered my business and I had to close. This strategy will increasingly be used to restrict your Second Amendment rights.
John Stossel – Operation Choke Point
Operation Choke Point 2.0 (2023)
While not specifically connected to the First Amendment, I believe the public/private partnership between privately owned vaccine makers and the federal government might be instructive and demonstrates how the federal government uses private industry to violate the Constitution. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, granting total immunity to vaccine manufacturers. After a decade of lawsuits related to vaccine injuries and death, vaccine makers were gong bankrupt. In a move to coerce policymakers, vaccine companies threatened to stop making vaccines until they could be legally shielded from liability. To this day when someone is injured or killed as the result of an adverse reaction, it is the U.S. taxpayers that pay for the damages, not the pharmaceutical company that produced the vaccine.
Something that people should know about Covid-19 vaccines is they fall today under the PREP Act which came into being after 9/11 and after the Anthrax scare, and this law gives virtually blanket liability protection. It’s basically impossible to get any kind of compensation if you’re injured. PREPA removes the right to a jury trial for persons injured by a covered vaccine, unless a plaintiff can provide clear evidence of willful misconduct that resulted in death or serious physical injury. If you take Covid-19 vaccines you are absolutely on your own. If you’re permanently injured, if you lose your job, if your health care expenses go through the roof… tough luck.
As governments struggle in their crumbling economies they are increasingly turning to the private sector. Facing evaporating revenues and bankruptcy, that’s a perfect opportunity for non-profit philanthropic organizations to come in and say… “You can’t fund this program, but we’ll give you a grant. We’ll pay for public education. We’ll deliver this service.” As more people are pushed to desperation, they will eagerly accept that growing corporate fascism – the very essence of public/private partnership.
Where did Facebook get a large portion of their startup capital?
According to their website, In-Q-Tel ,formerly Peleus, or “IQT is the not-for-profit strategic investor that accelerates the development and delivery of cutting-edge technologies to U.S. government agencies that keep our nation safe.” Their history pages states, “CIA leaders recognized that technological innovation had largely shifted from the purview of government R&D and large organizations to entrepreneurs and the startup community who were developing much-needed technologies more quickly and less expensively, and continue to do so today.”
“In reality, however, what In-Q-Tel represents is a dangerous blurring of the lines between the public and private sectors in a way that makes it difficult to tell where the American intelligence community ends and the IT sector begins.” [James Corbett]
According to James Corbett, “The publicly available record on the Facebook/In-Q-Tel connection is tenuous. Facebook received $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel, whose manager, James Breyer, now sits on their board. He was formerly the chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, whose board included Gilman Louie, then the CEO of In-Q-Tel. The connection is indirect, but the suggestion of CIA involvement with Facebook, however tangential, is disturbing in the light of Facebook’s history of violating the privacy of its users.”
Apart from the Constitutional question, what does the censorship ability of social media giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others say about your democratic access to information on the Internet to all sides of an issue? If this action is allowed to stand, you will be increasingly denied that access and only hear the side of the issue that Godless collectivists want you to hear.
Now I don’t have a problem with the social media giants or any company for that matter to responsibly choose to limit the content they make available or allow others to make available on the Internet. Censoring obscene, defamatory, threats to national security, material promoting illegal activities, theft of intellectual property, and inciting violence would actually be their social responsibility to protect their customers from the predatory practices of criminals. But, that’s NOT what they’re doing here. They’re censoring voices that contradict their political perspectives in an effort to influence elections and further their mandatory vaccine program.
Trump signs social media executive order
I was happy to see President Trump address this issue with the signing of this executive order. He took aim at social media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google, in an attempt to limit protections shielding these companies from liability over content posted to their platforms.
Trump’s executive order will affect Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects online platforms like Facebook and Twitter from being held liable for content posted by their users. The 1996 law states: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”
To this day, I can’t see this EO implemented or doing any good. If anything, it seems the tech giants are redoubling their efforts to curate their platforms to reflect the “official” narrative.
Consider the censorship and propaganda being promoting as a result of Russia invading Ukraine. It’s incredibly difficult to find opposing voices to the “Putin bad” narrative. In America and the UK, Russian sources like RT and Sputnik have been banned. You can’t even reach their official websites. Want to learn more about the AZOV Battalion? Good luck.
Facebook has become a black hole for information… they claim anything outside the “official” narrative is disinformation and kept from your inquisitive minds. Of course the Russians respond in-kind banning access to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The problem arises from “who” decides it is worthy of censorship?
When these gatekeepers censor opposing political views, religious beliefs, or opinions that differ from their own, I believe they have crossed a line that leads to totalitarianism. That’s exactly what Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other despots did to assuage the public to their authoritarian rule. Is it any surprise that public trust of government and the corporate owned mainstream media is at all time lows?
It seems to me that Google’s practice of shadow banning information it disagrees with does not make it universally accessible and useful. YouTube’s removal of video’s it disagrees with does not give everyone a voice to share and build community through their stories. Twitter’s banning of messages is not exactly free expression where every voice is given power to impact the world. And Facebook’s de-platforming of people it disagrees with does not build community, bring the world closer together, or allow people to express what matters to them.
Much of the censorship we see today is excused as protecting the public from misinformation and fake news. But, what is misinformation and fake news? Shouldn’t you be the judge of that? Without opposing views on any issue, the public is left with the “sanitized” version the technocrats want them to believe. You can’t get to the truth through censorship. A better approach is to allow debate on all sides of an issue. If something is deemed misinformation by the media, instead of censoring them let them disagree and provide their best argument of their position.
60 Countries Sign Declaration That Commits to Bolstering “Resilience to Disinformation and Misinformation”
FACT SHEET: United States and 60 Global Partners Launch Declaration for the Future of the Internet
Weaponizing the Current Thing: Biden’s Ministry of Truth & Its Origins
I believe we’re at a crossroad here.
One road leads to the tyranny of the elite.
The other road leads to what the Declaration of Independence said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”
Sadly, it seems much of the Western world has chosen the tyrannical road of the elite.
The anti-American sentiment being promoted these days is more Orwellian double speak…. “… all men are created equal”, but some men are more equal.
The Declaration of Independence acknowledges our rights are not granted by government, but are unalienable Rights endowed to ALL people by the Creator God. “…That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” It’s not governments role to rule over the people but to protect the Rights of all Americans. I think most Americans have long given consent to their government to protect their rights and most support their government to intervene when those rights are violated – either by government, corporations, individuals, or anybody else – foreign or domestic.
I also don’t have a problem with a company limiting the content based upon the relevancy to their values and mission.
Google’s stated mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” YouTube’s stated mission is “to give everyone a voice and show them the world. We believe that everyone deserves to have a voice, and that the world is a better place when we listen, share and build community through our stories.” Twitter states they “believe in free expression and think every voice has the power to impact the world.” Facebook says their mission is “to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.”
These tech companies need to return to their stated values and mission and live up to their commitments. If they choose to become simply propaganda arms of the government or platforms for some political agenda, fine… but they should at least be transparent enough to own up to it. Hiding behind empty words like, universally accessible, give everyone a voice, free expression, or express what matters to them is deceptive and dishonest. My hope is that they will come to their senses and fulfill the sentiments they publicly state in their mission statements without all the Orwellian doublespeak. That will go to make America great again.
“We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.” – John F. Kennedy
The Future of Search
In the following video with Alphabet’s (Google’s parent company) Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt answers Charlie Rose’s question about the future of search. Schmidt claims that a Google search providing multiple results is a “bug” because the company should provide the “right answer just once,” which draws comparisons to 1984’s Ministry of Truth. “When you use Google, do you get more than one answer?” asked Schmidt. “Of course you do, well that’s a bug, we have more bugs per second in the world. We should be able to give you the right answer just once, we should know what you meant, we should look for information, we should give it exactly right, we should give it to you in your language, and we should never be wrong.”
According to Google, there is ONLY ONE correct answer? What about alternative view points? Right now we get a variety of answers to our questions and it is our responsibility to critically analyze those answers to find the truth. If Schmidt’s predictions prevail, you won’t need to critically think about the answer, rather you’ll be encouraged to accept the only answer provided by the powers that shouldn’t be.
As James Corbett points out, presently we interface with search engines actively using our Internet browser or smart phone. We somewhat manipulate the search process by the choice of keywords or phrases we type into the device. However, in the future we will be programmed by the limited information we get by increasingly centralized search apparatus that we wear or have implanted. We will ask our computer AI oracles a question and we will get one pre-approved answer.
Some Solutions to the Censorship
While increasingly difficult to find free and open debate, it is still possible. You’ll have to look beyond the mass-disinformation sources like Google, Facebook, and YouTube.
How to Get Around the Digital Iron Curtain – #SolutionsWatch
How Do I Find Broken Links? – Questions For Corbett #075
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