Hollywood has become a left-wing cesspool of perverts, pedophiles and sex predators who serially abuse women
[NaturalNews.com] Under the tutelage of morally-challenged leftists, Hollywood has become a cesspool of perverts, pedophiles, sex predators and rapists. Toss in other prominent left-wing perverts like Mr. “date rape” Bill Cosby, Anthony “text me your t#tties” Weiner and William Jefferson “you might want to put some ice on that” Clinton, and you start to understand why left-wing women think all men are pigs: It’s because powerful left-wing men really are pigs, and they hide behind a pro-abortion, pro-transgender narrative so they can get away with systematically abusing, exploiting and raping vulnerable women and teens.
Hollywood, for its part, is a gay pedophilia orgy fest of predatory movie directors and casting couch perverts who prey equally on young boys and girls. Famous child actor Corey Feldman has gone public with many accusations, saying pedophilia is “Hollywood’s biggest problem.” See his video here:
A documentary film called “An Open Secret” dares to take a closer look at left-wing Hollywood’s pedophilia culture, exposing the ritualistic abuse of young boys and girls, all in the quest for personal gratification among powerful Hollywood moguls:
AN OPEN SECRET. Official PG-13 version. Copyright Esponda Productions LLC #AnOpenSecret from Matt Valentinas on Vimeo.
Even Robert Downey Jr. has blown the whistle on the culture of pedophilia in Hollywood:
This all brings new context to another issue: Remember how aggressively the left-wing media tried to cover up the Pi##agate story? I can’t even use the word here, or this article will be algorithmically banned by Google, Facebook and Twitter, because that term has been deemed “permanent fake news.” Yet now we are all coming to see how the left-wing media has been complicit in covering up systemic sex abuse, rape and exploitation of women among Hollywood elitists. The pizza shop theory no longer seems so outlandish, does it?
The only question now is: How deep does all this really go? My guess is that thousands of Hollywood producers, directors and casting executives are involved in a massive network of pedophilia, rape and pay-to-play casting deals where flesh is bartered for fame, and not all the flesh is given with consent. This culture of criminal sicko sexual behavior, by the way, shows you the mindset of powerful, well-connected Democrats, who are almost universally mentally ill and saturated with evil intent. The very same people who scream in condemnation of gun rights are very often, in the privacy of their own hot tubs and suites, violating under-age children and teens for their own sick, selfish pleasure. That’s what Hollywood has become: A cesspool of sickness, suffering, exploitation and perversion.
No wonder everything on Netflix now has to feature sexual perversion: It’s part of their culture. And the very same people who take great pleasure in violating children and women are also the same people telling us that Donald Trump is a bad person, America needs no border protection, and Hillary Clinton was an angel. Are you seeing the full pattern in all this yet?
ACTION ITEM: Stop watching movies. Stop renting movies. Stop financially supporting the pedophiles and perverts of Hollywood. Every movie you pay to see is another “vote” for the sexual exploitation of women and children by powerful, wealth Hollywood elitists like Harvey Weinstein. Everything the Left touches, it infects with evil and destruction: Hollywood, the NFL, universities and even climate “science.” The Left is an out-of-control cartel of sick-minded lunatics and perverts who are systematically attempting to destroy men, families, national sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution. The culture war is in full force, and if the Left wins, they will literally rape and pillage their way across the entire culture, gutting every institution until the country we once knew is utterly decimated.
Stay informed by reading OutrageDepot.com.
Hollywood perversion is what has caused all perversion in today’society.
And all those who watch Hollywood films and tv shows are simply supporting this perversion.
Lousy parents allow their kids to watch this perversion every day and they furnish their kids with smart phones and tablets so that they can be in contact with the perverts and hollywood perversion 24 hours a day behind closed doors.
Yeah while I agree that Hollywood is rife with corruption and sexual sickness, it’s not the true Left that’s doing it…it’s Liberal Hedonists. These same people HIDE under Left wing politics and rhetoric that allows them to manipulate how people perceive them by sounding progressive when they’re the farthest thing from it. The Liberal Hedonists, what I call them, also infiltrated the Left movement in the 60/70’s and did the same thing that it’s doing today, corrupting and and turning every real legit civil rights movement into a sex fest of selfish indulgence and egotistical self-servitude. Sick of it. But it’s NOT the old school Left that’s corrupting culture, it’s the Liberal Hedonists that are….the true Left used to speak out against porn & sexual exploitation because they call it choice, rather than a pathologically driven out of an imbalance. Anywho….just FYI it’s not true Left.
What about the Catholic Church and the rampant abuse found there? What about the military and the incredible sexual abuse women suffer there? What about the cases found within athletes and their coaches?
You’re absolutely right. The sexual abuse is much more widespread throughout our culture.
What about them? Does that give Hollywood a pass? The article isn’t about Priests, the military, or athletes, those are other issues.