The Impact of Feminism on the Family
Gloria Steinem sounded the war cry,
“We don’t just want to destroy capitalism,” she said, “we want to tear down the whole f____ patriarchy.”
As the women’s movement turned fanatical and ugly in the 1960s and 70s the focus began to shift from reform and equal opportunity. The feminist leaders – humorless, militant, pugnacious, and angry with their particular lot in life, launched programs that were anti-God, anti-capitalism, anti-family, anti-birth, anti-heterosexual and fostered a virulent hatred of anything having to do with males.
Their cultural Marxist agenda no longer wanted to equalize the status of women, but instead wanted to irreversibly alienate women from men and vice versa.
Home and traditional family values are no longer accepted answers to the questions, “Who am I?” and, “What am I here for?” The preeminent purpose for some women have become their careers, and they decided against the value of home and family.
Radical feminists linked all the Marxist causes together by writing, “We want to destroy the three pillars of class and a caste society – the family, private property, and the state.” [Peter Collier and David Horowith, Deconstructing the Left: From Vietnam to the Persian Gulf, 1991].
To accomplish their goals, terrorist organizations such as the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association, and the People for the American Way, the Gay-Lesbian Caucus, and their ilk have arisen to champion unrestrained sex, homosexual rights, abortion on demand, while they attacked Christian beliefs, conservative organizations, and all the traditional family structures of America.
Taken over by radical leftists committed to adultery, lesbianism, and the perpetuation of “self” over motherhood and family, the women’s movement led by the National Organization of Women (NOW), became an adjunct of the Democratic party. The Democratic Party left millions of evangelicals and pro-family Christians when they lurched to the left under George McGovern and his successors. During the 1970s, the Democratic Party abandoned its centrist pro-family base and became captive to the special interest of the radical left, including the feminists, extreme environmentalists and gay rights activists.
For this, and other anti-family crusades, Gloria Steinem was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama in 2013. This highest civilian award in the US supposedly recognizes those individuals who have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interest of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors”.
Dissolving the Family
Betty Friedan, founder of NOW, referred to traditional family life as a “comfortable concentration camp” from which women needed liberation. Sheila Cronan, one of the feminist movements most respected leaders and spokeswomen said, “Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking marriage.”
Beginning in the 1960s and 1970s they launched an all-out assault on our nation’s time-honored laws protecting the marriage union. Divorce was presented as an easy way out for the frustrated, disappointed or adventuresome.
Mel Krantzler, writing in Creative Divorce, stated: “To say goodbye is to say hello … hello to a new life – to a new, freer, more self-assured you. Hello to new ways of looking at the world and of relating to people. Your divorce can turn out to be the very best thing that ever happened to you.” That was a widely held professional opinion for almost a decade.
Within a few years, they and their Radical Left communist allies succeeding in overturning all fifty of the nation’s “fault” divorce statutes and replacing them with what is called no-fault divorce. It was understood as an effort to secure for women the economic, political and social rights and protections that men have always enjoyed. A spate of pseudo-scientific studies assured parents that children were resilient and would recover quickly from the effects of divorce.
In their zeal they also stripped away from women, especially mothers with children, many of the economic and legal protections they had historically enjoyed in this nation, thus creating a whole new underclass in American society: the abandoned housewife.
The number of displaced homemakers rose twenty-eight percent between 1975 and 1983 to more than three million women. Another twenty percent increase from 1983 to 1988 brought that number to more than four million. An astonishing sixty-one percent of those women suddenly left alone had children under the age of ten at home. Often without job skills and stranded without alimony or child support, as many as seventy percent of these women make less than ten thousand dollars a year, and fifty percent are employed at minimum wage or less. It is, thus, readily apparent why a full seventy-five percent of all Americans living below the poverty line in the United States are women and their children.
[Sylvia Ann Hewlett, A Lesser Life: The Myth of Women’s Liberation in America (New York: William Morrow, 1986)]
“The fiction of fatherhood is a giant religion called Christianity.”
– Jill Johnston in Lesbian Nation
In more recent years feminism has turned more to a fight for abortion rights, lesbian rights, environmentalism and witchcraft. Gone are concerns about equal pay, assertiveness, and expressing one’s individuality. In their place are women ensconced in bitterness, hatred, and resentment.
Promise Keepers Threatening to NOW
A million men willing to put their wives and families first is very frightening to the National Organization of Women (NOW). The men of Promise Keepers promise to love their wives, their children, and their neighbors as themselves, in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ, according to the New Testament. Why that should be threatening to Ireland and others of her ilk is apparent. One only has to look at their lifestyles for the answer. Non-Christians have no understanding of God’s plan for our lives. What they DO have is a great deal of fear about the subject.
It is frightening for Ireland, and for Karen Taggart of the Washington, DC Lesbian Avengers, who said about the Promise Keepers, “we’ll show them that lesbians are everywhere. We’ll show them that lesbians have super powers.” Taggart is truly afraid that the men of Promise Keepers have tapped into just such a super power that will render her message irrelevant to women. The concerns at recent national conventions have been bashing Promise Keepers and pushing for the rights of “transgendered people,” which could be anything from hermaphrodites to people waiting for sex change operations.
What is it exactly that Promise Keepers promise that is threatening to NOW?
The men of Promise Keepers promise:
- To honor Jesus Christ and obey His word.
- To pursue relationships with other men, provide one another with spiritual strength to keep his promises.
- To practice spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity.
- To build strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.
- To support his church.
- To reach beyond racial and denominational barriers.
- To influence the world by witnessing and obeying, loving God and loving his neighbor as himself.
Abortion Rights
Militant feminists searching for power found the absolute best way to exercise their control was in the area of reproduction.
Abortion became the single greatest avenue for militant women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren’t necessary. They don’t need men to be happy. They certainly don’t want males to be able to exercise any control over them.
The real message of the ‘Dan Quayle’ Murphy Brown episode was that women don’t need men. shouldn’t desire them, and that total fulfillment and happiness can be achieved without men or husbands.
Abortion thus became the ultimate symbol of women’s emancipation from the power and influence of men. With men being precluded from the ultimate decision-making process regarding the future of life in the womb, they are reduced to their proper, inferior role.
Gender feminists rallied in Beijing China in 1995 for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. The Beijing document — the text of which was heavily influenced by Bella Abzug and other radical feminists — includes over 200 references to “gender” in various contexts, i.e., “gender equality,” “mainstreaming a gender perspective,” “gender diversity,” etc. However, “husband” and “wife” are nowhere to be found in the 121-page document, and the terms “mother” and “family” were proposed to be changed to “caretaker” and “household.” Clearly, the effort to change the semantics associated with the family is the first step in altering the way the world thinks about the family.
The roles defined by nature for men and women had become clouded in feminists minds and has led to all kinds of confusion, suspicion, and distrust between the sexes.
I’ve certainly experienced these dysfunctions in my online dating experience. Reading many of the online profiles of women uncovers a plethora of filtered photos oftentimes rather cartoonish, fantasy goddess images, and angry comments about not “needing” a man, only wanting one. Unresolved anger and blame directed at both men and women is pretty common. The women distrust the man because of previous sexual or physical abuse and see them as sexual predators. The men distrust the women as being gold-diggers and disrespectfully see them as sex objects to be manipulated. I don’t want to deny the legitimacy of either argument, only find it sad that many of these hurt people have not healed from their trauma, forgiven, and moved on.
The vast majority of profiles posted on these dating sites are NOT women/or men serious about romantic relationships. Rather, many are romance scams designed to extort money from the parties. Those legitimate people with real profiles generally don’t want committed relationships, rather only looking for friends or a one-night stand. Meaningful communication is discouraged as many who only send curt text messages or graphic meme’s. The potential for misunderstanding and confusion is widespread as people no longer communicate through emotion and personal contact.
Can’t Focus? It’s Not Your Fault, You’re Being Tricked. This is How.
Women were liberated from the home, from their husbands, from their children – from having to bear children at all. Fathers were liberated from their authority. Children were liberated from limits, from rules, even their parents. And the entire population was liberated from moral and ethical standards.
Yet it turns out that those things were precisely what held society together. “Family values” have been so scorned that we are left with neither families nor values.
What do we have?
Rampant illegitimacy and sexual disease, widespread divorce and loneliness, and a generation of unloved, undisciplined, and uncared-for kids.
I stopped reading a son as I got to the phrase “abandoned housewife”. 70% of divorces are initiated by women. The phrase “abandoned housewife”wrongly impress that it is the men that are leaving. Abandoned fathers would be more accurate. It was the second red flag I got reading your article. The picture of divorce should only have ripped dad or of the picture, overwhelming dad is the one removed.
If this was a 100 years back with our traditional values, your statement would be a 100% correct.
In this era of Equality now, Women have a more egalitarian perspective,
Now that is an argument in itself, She is working and contributing to the table as well from an economic perspective, but then again why is she working? Is the husband not working? Or is it not sufficient to feed the family?
Situations like these are based on various factors and differs, not from society to society, but family to family. If she HAS to give second importance to her household duties and work a job to feed the family, It s her right to expect the Husband to contribute in the household work. But then again one needs to clarify exactly why she forces herself to work an income related job.
It is these factors that contribute to 90% of Divorces.
The Husband’s unwillingness to conform to the changing society and his stubbornness in leaving traditions of Male Dominance.
Other than that, Maybe the sex wasn’t good