The Mark of the Beast System
Before jumping to any conclusions, let me explain the above image. It is hyperbole – meant to catch your attention. I am not suggesting that face masks are the mark of the beast. I encourage you to continue reading the article below and I will explain how this image is symbolic of how the mark of the beast may be introduced to a brave new world.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. – Revelation 13:16-17
For the past 150-200 years many believed this prophecy pointed to some future event, not one fulfilled in the first century of the church and present with us still today. Mostly popularized in the 1830’s by John Darby and the Scofield Reference Bible, today the future mark of the beast is believed in a large part of the evangelical church.
Not until recent times did people understand how this prophecy could possibly come to pass. There was simply no way that anyone could control the buying and selling activities on such a large scale.
That was yesterday…
Modern technology has created a brave new electronic world without borders.
Today, global governments and corporations have nearly completed their control grid making it possible to track and control your movements and all your financial transactions. With modern computer technology, satellites, smart phones, 5G, GPS, RFID, facial recognition cameras, biometric and smart card technology, people can now be tracked within 3 feet anywhere in the world and all their financial transactions recorded.
Leaders of nations and multi-national corporations used the Coronavirus pandemic to accelerate their efforts in developing their new world order. In their fabricated war on terror, governments and multi-national corporations around the world have essentially eliminated personal privacy and is now collecting data and tracking its citizens in nearly everything they do. Things only imagined a few years ago are now common throughout societies around the world. And, public/private partnerships are now more committed than ever to establish their brave new world.
What I am saying and warning you about is that there is a mark of the beast “system” and despite its particulars, you are being prepared today to accept it without question.
Your movements and access to resources are now being controlled, and in many cases citizens are being deprived of their human and Constitutional rights in the name of safety and security.
The architecture of oppression is appearing all around us.
Clearly, these control and tracking technologies exploded on the scene following the attacks on 9/11. This so-called “Pearl Harbor Event” has changed our world, changed our lives, and introduced a new normal of living in a panopticon world of tracking and control.
Today, you cannot board an airplane or enter a government facility without being subjected to an invasive search that violates the Constitution and your personal privacy. These control points are also appearing at an alarming rate controlling your access to many public facilities and events.
The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) was given the ability to go searching for anything threatening, even inside our clothes, without a warrant! And that applied to our children, too. Did they ever find a single terrorist during their millions upon millions of invasive “pat downs?” No, they haven’t found a single one, but it’s well documented they managed to abuse and molest countless passengers — both adults and minors — in the process!
Your non-compliance has been made criminal. The TSA warns that any “would-be commercial airline passenger” who enters an airport checkpoint and refuses to be subjected to “the method of inspection designated by the TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.” Americans may be arrested and fined $11,000 if they refuse to cooperate with the agency’s invasive and humiliating techniques.
We are told all of this is necessary to increase your safety in exchange for your liberty.
Of course, that is totally bogus as the real continuity of agenda is rooted in a antichrist system of command and control.
Today, the same abuse of our privacy and freedom in the wake of 9/11 is coming in the form of medical tyranny.
Governments and multi-national corporations around the world are now exploiting a manufactured coronavirus scare to beta-test further advances in their brave new world of the Antichrist.
Travel is restricted worldwide and travelers are being screened. Many countries have closed their borders and requiring incoming travelers to present a health certificate for entry. Those without proper medical certificates and those with an inflated temperature are quarantined.
Cities and entire countries are being locked down and social distancing rules are being enforced, driving millions into unemployment. The financial crisis being perpetrated world-wide was unprecedented.
While declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 pandemic was dramatically smaller than previous pandemics. When you look at the death statistics of SARS-CoV-2, it’s a real stretch to even consider it a pandemic. Yet it is resulting in draconian measures never seen before.
People were required to prove they have received a DNA altering shot in order to travel or even keep their jobs.
Most are still relying on paper documentation for this but in China, for example, they are using QR codes to track individuals. Across the globe, however, there is a push for more effective means of controlling and tracking people.
Universal Identification
If you’ve been paying any attention to global events in recent decades you know there is a push for some kind of global identification system to be implemented requiring you to have some official form of ID when buying and selling or traveling across international borders or even boarding an airplane to travel within our borders. Of course, it’s being sold to the public as a security measure to make their lives better and protect their privacy.
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Are Covid-19 Passports the Mark of the Beast In this book, we examine what Covid-19 passports could mean for you and ask the simple question, “Are Covid-19 passports the mark of the beast?”. We will look at what the ‘Mark of the beast’ is, what it would look like, how it might operate, what benefits it has, what drawbacks it has, and the consequences of not going along with this scheme. |
The almost constant political news in recent years is about securing our border from the millions of immigrants crossing the Mexican border (problem). American land owners sharing that Mexican border are complaining of the violence associated with illegal immigration, the flow of drugs and human trafficking into the country, and people across America complain of the drain illegal immigrants have on our social and health care systems (reaction).
Like so many crisis we’ve faced, it’s not about the border… it’s about money, control, and jurisdiction. What’s the (solution) being promoted by those that created the problem in the first place? Close the borders and build a wall to prevent illegal border crossings. What most people overlook is when Trump signed executive order 13767 to build a wall, he also signed two days later executive order 13780 that included an expedited biometric entry/exit tracking system that would track and control the movement of people entering or leaving the United States.
Make no mistake about it… a universal, verifiable identification system is core to any mark of the beast system.
Microsoft Technology Licensing applied for a patent in June 2019, published a few months later in March 2020 under the number Patent # WO 2020/060606 A1 to connect human brain and body function to cryptocurrency payments as part of a digital economy.
Will this be a mark imprinted on the hand or the forehead? I can’t say for sure but clearly they have been developing technologies that could be used in this manner. And, given what government and industry leaders are saying, we can expect more digital technologies and biometric identification systems that are seamless and touchless.
Since air travel is a major way of moving populations worldwide and potentially spreading a virus, you can expect the current naked body scanners will be retrofitted for enhanced digital screening capable of scanning for virus symptoms or reading an embedded security chip below the skin. It’s been reported Homeland Security is considering replacing the naked body xray scanners with body scanners that scan and store biometric data, including body temperature.
And, it’s not limited to airports. These systems are becoming more common in the overall marketplace (banks, government buildings, public entertainment facilities).
“Simultaneous introduction of biometric, smart ID cards around the world is not just a coincidence, it is not merely due to nations copying effective schemes in other nations, and is not just a phenomenon related to the sudden maturity of technology. Implementation of these ID card schemes was pushed. It is being driven in a coordinated programme, via international organisations and conferences, led by the US and the European Union (EU).” [Nathan Allonby, ID Cards – intergovernmental cooperation in worldwide implementation]
Eventually the identification system will be tied to your access to cashless financial services where cash will be replaced with a form of digital cryptocurrency.
It’s not conspiracy theory… they’re openly discussing all of it.
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How to hack a human being. Technology of the mark of the beast 666.: The end of the human age. The famous Israeli bestselling historian, philosopher and writer Yuval Noah Harari at the 2020 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting said at a conference, that humans are hackable animals and that soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack everyone thanks to biological knowledge multiplied by computational power multiplied by data, that would equal the ability to hack humans. |
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Future of Digital Identity: Insights from multiple expert discussions The next generation solutions to the digital identity challenge could change all of this. In the short term, new solutions are likely to move us towards the promise of a single Digital ID that allows us to simply, safely and securely navigate a connected world. This single ID could allow us to swiftly cross an international border and hire a car, use multiple credit cards, change our bank account, and at the same time act as a robust login tool for any and every online digital service we chose. |
Securing Identity in Modernizing the Future of Air Travel
Digital Identity
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said in response to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”
This is Bill Gates’ perfect opportunity to advance his eugenicist projects because as the coronavirus continues to mutate and spread, the public at large is becoming more open to problem-solving technologies that will contain the spread of the contagion.
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
A leading player in the digital identity market is Clear’s new health pass service to screen for coronavirus. Like the Chinese counterpart, it uses digital codes to identify vaccinated and screened citizens. Those individuals willing to pay a monthly fee are afforded a special checkpoint lane at the airport where they do not have to undergo what non-subscribers do. (I’ve said this before and repeat again… Coronavirus response is not about your health… it’s about MONEY, CONTROL and JURISDICTION.) The service scans irises and checks fingerprints to let passengers get to security checkpoints even faster than those with TSA PreCheck.
Born out of 9/11, for over 10 years CLEAR has been the industry leader for biometric identity and access. This company is behind much of the screening technology used now in airports around the world. Covid-19 caused a shift in the company’s focus to now expanding screening beyond airports to sports stadiums, retail establishments, office buildings, and restaurants. They claim to currently have 5 millions users and 50+ locations across the U.S.
There are around 1 billion people in the world that lack formal identities. This presents a massive challenge for governments trying to reach a critical mass of dispersed people: Without reliable IDs, it’s difficult to know who has received vaccines and the initial Covid-19 vaccine supply will be limited, so it will be essential to verify each dose reaches a real patient.
Using robust digital tools can help governments overcome identification barriers to ensure that everyone receives a Covid-19 vaccine. For example, biometric digital IDs can be employed. Simprints has already deployed biometric IDs on health and humanitarian projects across 12 countries and is now partnering with Japanese telecom giant NEC to develop an affordable, interoperable, biometric solution for vaccines that can identify patients even in rural and offline settings.
On March 26, 2020, the World Economic Forum published specifications and launched a new website for a project it has christened “Known Traveller Digital Identity” (KTDI). Access to more comprehensive travel history and transaction logs is a longstanding goal of government surveillance and travel-control agencies.
Accenture World Economic Forum Known Traveller
Globalist Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum is pushing for a global financial reset – a new world order forever changing the relationship between private business and government.
Government/Private partnerships are being formed today bringing free capitalist nations and businesses into the Fascist/Socialist sphere – changing the world as we’ve known it.
Operation Warp Speed
In 2020, President Trump announced Operation Warp Speed (OWS). Fed by the mainstream media, the public was given the impression this program is about rushing a vaccine to market in order to open up society and return to normal. On the surface, that may be true… but there is much below the surface with far more sinister goals. It has very little to do with “public health” and everything to do with total globalist control.
OWS set up a public/private partnership with some of the deepest state swamp creatures from the governments surveillance state and big data to surveil and track a majority of Americans and to use the country’s population as guinea pigs for unlicensed, understudied, and experimental vaccine technologies largely financed by Bill Gates. It will enable a surveillance panopticon so dystopian and far reaching that Americans stand to lose not only their few remaining civil liberties but even sovereignty over their own bodies.
Build Back Better
The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism Glenn Beck uses his trademark blend of humor, storytelling, and detailed analysis to reveal for the first time the unbelievable truth about the Great Reset, tying together nearly two decades of groundbreaking research about authoritarian movements and their efforts to fundamentally transform the United States. |
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Coronavirus provided a great opportunity for the surveillance state to expand their reach into our lives with advanced technologies to track and identify citizens.
When you consider the new world order goal of tracking its citizens, enhanced contact tracing will likely be one of the Hegelian “solutions” that will be with us long after coronavirus subsides.
I don’t think anybody knows how the coronavirus will ultimately turn out, but I suspect citizens everywhere will be forced to accept a “new normal” that may likely be like nothing we’ve experienced before. And, it won’t just be whether we continue to shake hands or not, wear masks, or social distance, it’s going to be mandatory DNA altering vaccinations and the loss of your bodily autonomy.
We’re going to see a much larger government with more influence in the private sector along with much more surveillance of citizens confirming their compliance. President Biden announced in Nov. 2021 he will use OSHA to enforce his unconstitutional mandatory vaccination program on all companies employing more than 100 employees.
Soon, all domestic fliers will be required to use facial recognition technology. Social credit scores will follow and once the 5G system is up and running and functional, once autonomous vehicles are more commonplace, the technocratic state will be the new normal.
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Internet of Things What You Need to Know About loT, Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Business Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Our Future |
Control will become commonplace on a whole new level we can’t imagine.
The New Model: Concert Reset
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The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent. |
The enemy’s message to you is coined by the Star Trek Borg,
“Resistance is Futile… You Will Be Assimilated“.
The Bible says,
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. – James 4:7
The Antichrist System of Control Is All Around Us
The technological challenges of a global marking and tracking system are being overcome today at an ever increasing pace and should be ominous signs for anyone.
I would suggest the opening salvo of the New World Order in America occurred in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This unconstitutional piece of legislation transferred America’s financial control from the U.S. government (the people) to privately owned corporate banks. The Federal Reserve remains today, along with its international central bank counterparts, the most influential entity controlling the global economy.
Your ability to secure employment today requires you to be assigned a social security number. But, social security numbers were only PART of what is becoming a global marking system. It began the process of the government putting together the infrastructure for a tracking system. The Social Security Administration began numbering and cataloging its citizens in November 1935 as part of the socialist FDR New Deal. People were told then the new social security cards bearing their number would not be used for identification purposes; in fact, that was printed right on the cards.
Today, that disclaimer has been removed from the cards and your SSN identification number is now required for many financial transactions besides getting a job.
You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid
The United States is now rolling out it’s latest national ID system called the Real ID.
The private sector got on board with its global tracking system with barcode labels that have now become a pivotal PART of the global marking and tracking system. Barcodes represent the numbering and cataloging of physical products available in the economy.
Technological advances began replacing barcode labels on consumer goods with RFID (radio frequency identification) chips that contain unique identification codes.
An RFID chip is a microchip that uses radio waves to transfer data to a reader. The chip is mostly located centrally and surrounded by a coiled wire, known as an antenna. The antenna is responsible for passing radio waves from the chip to the reader. When the tag is powered, it releases electromagnetic waves containing the required information.
- Today, RFID is part of most passports and payment cards.
- RFID chips are found in many consumer products.
- RFID chips are used in access management, security access, library systems, time tracking (via electronic logging), identification documents, or medical records.
I suggest these technologies are precursors to later technologies even more powerful. Advances in digital technology have made it possible now to engineer an identification system capable of monitoring virtually every human transaction and to track all your movements – the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-17.
The 5G Revolution
I believe the next evolutionary step in this new world order system of identification and tracking is the technology that ties all the above together and allowing them to communicate in real time… 5G cellular service followed by 6G.
This is the technology that will enable the so called Internet of Things. All those smart appliances and wearable technologies invading our homes and bodies. It’s what will make driver-less cars possible. It will connect all those surveillance and control technologies into a global panopticon of surveillance and control.
You’re being prepared for all that now when you’re forced to attend a “virtual” church, club meetings over Zoom, doctor visits over telemedicine, or your kids learning virtually. Covid thrust this new normal upon us and I’m afraid there’s no turning back from the nightmare that awaits us.
As 5G technology and the Internet of Things become more pervasive, the global tracking of its citizens will become even more commonplace. We’re seeing it already in smart cities across America. Smart meters are being installed in homes and businesses that not only permit corporate monopolies to collect vast amounts of data on nearly everyone in the United States, the technology can be used to “shut down” your service remotely. Smart water monitoring devices are being installed that can track usage throughout the city. In Washington D.C. their movement analytics program uses data from video cameras to identify who and what is moving through the city, including cars, buses, pedestrians, and bikes.
Hidden Dangers 5G How governments, telecom and electric power utilities suppress the truth about the known hazards of electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation.Given rapidly evolving modern technology, if the Lord tarries a bit longer, there may be some new development, some new technology that will finally close the door on your privacy and autonomy. |
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Mark of the Beast?
I do not believe that the people developing these technologies are necessarily conspirators purposely developing a system they know the Antichrist will use for his own wicked purposes.
These people are compartmentalized where those at different levels of development do not know what others at other levels are doing and visa versa. These are men and women who are developing what, to the natural eye, are brilliant ideas for the world’s future. I believe many of these people falsely believe what they are doing is for the good of humanity.
Nor, do I believe that today, as I am writing this piece, that the technologies I write about are NOW the mark of the Beast. Rather, I see them as being potential technologies that need be in place in order for the Antichrist to accomplish his nefarious scheme. It’s not the individual technology… it’s what all these technologies together are building. Each technology builds upon previous technologies and are each designed to incrementally condition us to accept even more invasive technologies.
So, what’s so bad about these technologies. They improve our lives … right?
I believe the most important point is that each of the technologies developed is moving the world closer to the ultimate tool to be used by the Antichrist, and perhaps even more important is that as each technology is embraced by our society, people of all stripes are being conditioned to ACCEPT the mark of the beast.
Is This all Conspiracy Theory?
Senator Frank Church, chairman of the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, issued a warning to the American people in 1975 of the potential of the technocratic elite to monitor the public and possibly use that information against us in violation of the Constitution of the U.S.
It would appear we have crossed over the abyss Sen.Church referred to. All of his predictions made 44 years ago have now come to reality.
Indeed, the Antichrist system of world government is not only believable but has already arrived.
The New World Order
One of the goals of the Jeremiah Project is to warn people of the New World Order and a One World Government, which is being set up today. It’s coming at us from different directions at an increasing pace and almost always framed as something good for humanity.
Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030
Coronavirus is providing an impetus for advancing the ecological green new deal.
The U.S. Congress pushed through the largest government bailout in history called a Covid-19 stimulus, astronomically much larger than the 2008 government TARP bailout program, to multinational corporations and expanding socialist welfare programs. Embolden by previous successes, Congress again passed in 2021 the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal with $Billions for crony private industries aligned with their fascist/socialist green new deal agenda.
Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations related to sustainable development and was an outcome of the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.
Agenda 21 For Dummies
While most of the control is now being exerted by Homeland Security over access to public facilities and transportation, the day is not far off when the globalists will also control world food and water supplies, and other necessary things necessary to live. Digital identity cards are being proposed to restrict your movements and access to public buildings.
The U.N. sponsored Codex Alimentarius is quickly becoming the controlling entity of everything that provides nutrition to humans. People will ultimately be required to either accept the mark of the beast or starve to death.
When the beast system comes full force, it is going to be hard for people to trade any other way but by using the mark.
I hear many Christians say, “I won’t take that mark”. Well, Satan has been a little smarter than most Christians. He has been slowly implementing the mark in our world. Like a fisherman, Satan is getting people to swallow the whole bait (mark) just a little at a time (Social Security number, Federal Reserve Notes, National I.D. card, 5G wireless,) until one day we will wake up in his boat.
Once the technologies are fully in place, the transition from the beneficial uses of technology to that of the Beast system will happen quickly. It is becoming increasingly difficult to resist the beast system… even for the unprepared Christian. Imagine the conflict a parent will feel when the beast system is required to buy food for their children, formula for their baby, and anything else needed to survive. Will they succumb?
I believe this time may be somewhat similar to the testing God made of Abraham when God commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22). Because Abraham passed the test and was willing to obey God, even not withholding his son (v.16). Because of that trust and faith in God, Isaac was spared and Abraham was blessed by God. That is the kind of faith we will need in these days when presented with the Antichrist’s system of control.
Lacking any real knowledge of the Bible and having only a superficial trust in God, many will fall away and accept the Antichrist system. Exchanging their liberty in Christ for the safety and security of the new world order, they will lose both when they willingly embrace the satanic system.
New American Theology of Civil Submission
Tragically, many of those God ordained to be leaders among men and shepherds protecting their flock, will become pawns in the diabolical hands of the Antichrist. Already a nationwide FEMA program is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers for the New World Order who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, forced relocation, and acceptance of the beast system.
Perhaps, contrary to some of these preachers teachings, we should resist the devil and the Antichrist system of control and domination while we still have some choice. If we accept the incremental steps in setting up this system, we will be more likely to accept the ultimate regime.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. [James 4:7-8]
A day of reckoning will come. There will be an end. |
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What are your feelings on the forehead temperature scanners? I will not let them use them on my children or me because it feels like it is preparing us for mark of the beast.
Personally, I don’t worry about forehead temperature scanners per se. On the other hand, making it a “requirement” to have your temperature taken is more dangerous.
What about temperature scanners that scan your forehead? I have been refusing to be scanned by them out of either fear or discernment. I’m not sure what God wants me to do about it but I need it to go places where i live.
I am someone who has been hardened due to my childhood so I have a hard time getting saved. I am so inssinly addicted to sin it’s terrorfying. I tried praying but fall back into sin almost instantly. I hate reading books so much that, reading the Bible makes me want to explode like a bomb with hatred for it. I am terrorfied at hearing anything about the end times. I have prayed for strength, guidance, said sorry, and so on, yet I fall back into sin nearly instantly after each prayer session. I’ve never read the whole Bible or much of it at all because it is too boring, I don’t understand any of it and I hate reading. I want to be saved, but I have the inability to feel regret or remorse, or sadness or love. My mother is dying yet I feel nothing for her, she is no different than some random stranger to me, Its like I am programed to know that love is a weakness as well as human emotion. I have prayed for all this to be fixed but it never was. I am terrorfied of hell, yet seconds after I stop focusing on it my fear is gonna and I fall to sin, again. I feel as if I’m in so deep that not only can I no longer see the light, the darkness has not affected my way of thinking, it has re wired and altered the DNA of the function of my very soul and I want help, but I’m in so deep that unless Jesus will completely wash me from this darkness which I’ve prayed and prayed only to be ignored. I have no way of being baptized and I’m pretty sure being baptised as a baby doesn’t count. I have the new world translation Bible, but hate reading and the last time I tried, all I could think about was the terrorble fear I had of hell that was so strong, I couldn’t sleep or even focus enough to eat right for a month ,and even those around me said I acted like I was possessed, because I was mute and gazing into space, but the fear I had was so terrorfyingly strong that I couldn’t even enjoy the day i couldn’t even focus on anything at all. How can I get saved, is it even possible. I am addicted to lying to friends and family and adult material, I have neither the strength to delete the stuff from my phone or stop lying to friends and family. An I truly lost and, will I really not get to live at least the next 10 years without this Bible stuff happening, like the mark and such? I’m 34 never had a girlfriend, never even been kissed, I really wanted to be able to have a shot at having a girlfriend and wife before I was enslaved or killed. I am terrorfied at dying or being alone. I want good but I want the chance to have a family too.
Derek, I don’t believe your situation is really all that much different than most. I too struggle with sin every day and believe most people do. I’m reminded what Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-25. I encourage you to read that. None of us are beyond the reach of God even though sometimes we feel we are. The fact that you reached out to me on this website proves to me that your situation is hopeful. As best you can, keep reading your Bible and try to focus on the promises God makes to His people. I won’t argue that life is not difficult… it is. But, if we put our trust and hope in Jesus Christ, we can experience more good in our lives. There’s nothing we can do personally to really change our situation, only through the power of the Holy Spirit will we ever experience the true love of God. I’m praying for you, Derek, and remain hopeful God will protect you from the lies of satan and give you hope for another day. God bless you.
Derek: The Apostle Paul gives us comforting words in I and II Thessalonians. He says the “restraining force,” the true Body of Christ is “restraining” the ultimate evil. When the true Body is “taken out of the way,” THEN, that Antichrist will be revealed. So, although things will deteriorate and a new normal may develop, the world government complete with the world leader cannot completely unfold until the Lord cones “as a thief in the night” to take the remnant in the Harpazo, literally “pickpocketing” his believers. Paul said, Comfort one another with these words.” Please confess your sins to the Lord and repent; ask Him to dwell in your spirit. Begin listening to the Bible online. The Word is the Living God. The Word baptised your mind and renews it. Spend time with the Lord. This is the key to transformation. God loves you.
Thank you for writing this, it sounds so much like my life with few major differencies.
I tried to follow the truth and live a decent life for so many years and all i really got from it was sadness and life in solitude. I watched the whole world just passing by before my eyes in my prime years and it hurt. It still hurts and i feel betrayed for wasting the best years of my life for nothing.
I never even asked much, i only wanted to find a good hearted wife to marry and form a family with and raise kids together with her, but i never got it. All i found was worldly bad women who destroyed my faith in love for good and nearly my will to live as well.
But now since i’ve lost all that faith for love i’ve followed a life of sin for many years now and i would be lying if i told you that i’m not enjoying it and being way more happy than i ever was in that solitude. I got tired of waiting for something that became ultimately year by year more unlikely to ever happen. I started to get old.
This decision might cost me the life in everlasting but because i’m not sure anymore if that is a lie as well, i really don’t care anymore. I do not want to waste a single day of my life anymore for waiting in vain.
However, if i would find still that wife who i could respect and love honestly and marry and have a family with, i would change my life completely right away, i’m totally ready for that, but i’ve decided that if solitude is what is needed from me to be a “good man”, i say no thanks to that.
A man is not created to live alone, as the Bible itself tells us.
I Live An Increasingly Isolated Life,
Partly Because Of Trying To Live A Cleaner Life,
In Every Sense.
Partly Because The Spirit Convinced Me,
And Partly Because I Studied And Researched To Convince Myself.
The Solar Eclipse And Many Other Standing Miracles Are Proof Of Higher Powers.
But It Is The Character Differences Between The 2 Higher Powers That Also Needs Noting.
I Hope To Stay In With The Better Kind,
And I Hope To Be Increasing My Distance From The Worse Kind.
A General Problem With Identifying The Worse Kind,
Is How Could One Not Go To Sexually Sin,
It Seems Such A Normal Ness.
A General Problem With Identifying The Better Kind,
Is How Could One Not Follow Errors That Churches Have,
As If They Did Not Have Any Then Religious Sensitivity Would Be Over With.
I Don’t Think That I Want To Start My Own Church.
I Just Want To Be Seemingly Improving.
But I Set Myself This Challenge:
That When We Are Resurrected Without The Problems We Have As Much Of,
Due To Our Bodies Being Able To Repair Much More,
That I Would Choose Well Who To Follow Under Jesus,
As Those In Hell,
Probably Follow The Wrong Things And People,
For Ever In Frustration !
Burning With Hate And Burning With Some Form Of Decontamination,
If Not To Anialation As I Do Not Believe God Would Have Pain Without Purpose.
In Fact Pain Without Purpose May Be The Very Nature Of Hell !
It Seems To Me That I Can Only Try To Refine My Estimations Until I Have Memory Loss Due To Age.
If I Find Some One To Follow, They Would Be Like Jesus,
He Seemed To Never Need Except To Want Gods Interests.
1 Man, A Face In A Crowd Of More Than A Billion !
Not An Easy Choice.
Yet Choose We Should.
Those Nearer Him Would Be Some How Better !
How They Get Or Got Better Is Not Easy To Understand.
Caleb, you are not ready for that.
Be at peace Derek, your honesty has saved you. You have nothing to fear.
look out for bill gates’ id2020. scary stuff.
is the real Id mark of the beast?
I believe that the REAL ID Act – Title II H.R.1268 is the One World Government’s or New World Order’s (NWO) attempt at enslaving American citizens. U.S. soldiers currently cannot do anything without their DOD identification cards. The REAL ID or National ID card is a form of the DOD identification cards for civilians.
Soldiers are unable to buy anything in the commissary or BX without their DOD ID cards. They are unable to access military bases, medical services or benefits without presenting their DOD ID cards. Anyone working for the military to include soldiers, government civilians and contractors are not allowed onto military bases without a DOD ID card or CAC card. They are not allowed computer access without their CAC cards. The government requires all of those employees to receive their pay electronically. That pay is linked electronically to the personal bank accounts of those employees and can be linked to the chip that is implanted in DOD ID cards and CAC cards. If for any reason the government sees fit to withhold the pay check or block a CAC card for individuals employed by the military, then those individuals may not be able to go to work or receive a paycheck or take care of themselves or their families.
That is what the One World Government or NWO is now trying to force onto the entire human race. The NWO is already apparently implementing that kind of system in places like India where people are being manipulated into accepting implanted microchips rather than ID cards with microchips. There are also rumors that microchips are being implanted into illegal immigrants in the United States and homeless people in Austin, TX. By forcing citizens to accept REAL ID, the federal and state governments are effectively surrendering sovereignty to the NWO.
As of October 2020, U.S. Citizens may lose their freedom to enter federal buildings, that their taxes paid for, if they do not enslave themselves to REAL ID. That means that if the NWO or federal government decides to press whatever charges against an individual in federal court (like Congress is currently trying to do to you) and defendants do not have a REAL ID card then they may not be allowed into the federal building in order to attend their own trials and defend themselves. If Congresswoman Pelosi and Congressman Schiff can make up whatever charges against you then what would stop them from doing the same to me or anybody else?! If we are unable to enter a federal building to defend ourselves then the federal officers can say whatever they want in court and have us arrested.
And where will we all go? The immigration camps are for anyone who the federal government says is illegal. The federal government can say that we are all illegal simply because we don’t have REAL ID cards. Some people may believe that the immigration camps aren’t big enough to hold all of us but the governments have also funded the fortification of schools. Schools currently serve as prisons for our children. They can also serve as prisons for anyone labeled as ‘illegal’.
Some people may just think that they can move out of harm’s way but, as of October 2020, we may not be allowed to board any kind of transportation that is guarded by the TSA without REAL ID cards. We may not be able to travel across national or even state lines. If the federal government labels anyone as illegal for any reason then we could very well be confined and cornered within state lines until we are arrested…or worse. We may not be able to register and own guns without REAL ID and, therefore, will have no way of defending ourselves against the lawless ones in government.
I understand that REAL ID cards will also be linked with our social security numbers. We will not be able to get a job, pay taxes or access benefits without REAL ID. We will not be able to access any federal government benefits including Medicare and Medicaid. We will not be able to access other benefits like unemployment and welfare. We will not be allowed to vote without REAL ID. Only individuals who enslave themselves and their children to government and do whatever the government tells them to do will be allowed to vote.
By my own effort to understand, and I hope God’s help as well, the mark of the beast is:-
1) That people be involved more in the design process of the chip in the skin.
2) That personal discipline be developed by both man and God’s help to not be so addicted to porn or whatever.
3) That some how the Eagle animal that possibly represents the USA, may be able to stay separate from the state church
partnership of the beast with the bears feet, leopards body, bulls horns, the dragons horns, and the lions mouth.
4) Amateur radio offers some alternative communications and home study/ref books of paper and paper mail.
Presently I recommend the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints.
The mark of the beast will be applied by isotope rays on the hand or on the forehead when receiving REAL ID.
May I ask your reason for believing this? Do you have a source that presents evidence for this idea please?
I have come to the conclusion that the final mark will be an implant under the skin in the right hand or the forehead. It will scanned exactly like the bar code. Why? If you know where the ancient Israelites were commanded to bind the law of Moses,which in actuality is the law of the Creator, (read Exodus 13:9,KJBible)then you will understand why I know this to be true. They bound the law to these areas in a little box known as a phylactery. Some modern Hebrews still do this. The great counterfeiter…..ah, do I even need to mention his name? I don’t like giving him any press unless I’m rebuking him 🙂 He will require his electronic law in those same areas. GRACE AND PEACE BE UNTO ALL IN CHRIST JESUS
The mark is not the same as a mark, a mark is what you all use to operate in commerce which is a SSN. Try living without one ! I have for the last 17 years.
The mark is on the side of the horses neck ‘Gemini’ the hooked X bloodline of Jesus that runs through my veins. Its not 666 ! The bible says 6 hundred and three score 66, so june of 1966 6/1/66 the white rabbit of revelation, the red horse and black snake of the purple prophecy.
The false prophets are the Masters of Accounting making false profits from the peoples ignorance of the law by dishonoring banking law, so they can worship the golden calf/cafr all over again.
Trading prisoners like cattle.
Confession and Avoidence ! LOOK IT UP YOU HEATHENS !
On recent TV newscasts it demonstrated the implementation of the chip in the hand and then scanning your hand over a machine to make the purchase of an item without using cash or a debit or credit card. On another occasion it showed employees of a company voluntarily being chipped in their hand. The mark of the beast is here.
Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will be devoted
to the one and despise the other , YOU CAN NOT SERVE GOD AND MANMON !
Be blessed brothers and sisters
Scared of all this stuff. How will we christians live?
First of all God has not given us the spirit of fear! Just as He saved Noah and his family
Lot and his family, He will protect us as His children! The Bible is clear that we are not subjected to wrath 1 Thess.5:9. 2 Thess.2:1-5 says the antichrist can’t come until the church(christians) is taken out of the way! We are the salt of the earth and we are the driving force to expose the antichrist.Deuteronomy 32:30 says if one of us can put a thousand to flight than two of us can send a legion fleeing. I truly believe Jesus will return before the tribulation period. Jacobs trouble is the 7 yr tribulation period where Isreal will have the chance to come back to God. The Rapture is the glorious the blessed hope Titus 2:13. Don’t live in fear if you have made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. 1 Corinthians 15: 51-58 tells us of the rapture mystery told to Paul. Jesus will come to take us 1 Thess.4:13-18. Comfort one another with these words! We are not to worry about the antichrist’s return, but the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Get prepared NOW. Learn how to grow your own food, find and store non-gmo seed, build a shelter, forage for your own food, learn how to build a fire. People used to live like this in past times, this is no new thing. Learn from farmers if and when you can find them. Learn about the law, how it works and how to get out of the system, off the grid. Learn the topography of the land around you, how to purify water, learn these things and more NOW. MOST IMPORTANTLY know that the Lord is in control of ALL things and ALL people. These end times have a purpose – to separate the wheat from the chaff, the true from the false. It will make those who truly love the Lord white. You don’t really need to learn much about this stuff, you only need to see the signs. Reading and learning too much about these things will make you nervous. Read the bible, the AKJV 1611, pray, fast and be obedient. Fear the Lord and you will have nothing else to fear.
True believers in Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), the Body of Christ, will not be here. Do you believe this truth?
It’s not Paul’s Gospel, it’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul repeats this truth continuously through his epistles. Old Saul of Tarsus, chief of sinners, made into the great apostle!
Paul is a false apostle. seduced by his writings? oops…when one commits to God and keeps His commandments then this is made known – at least it was to me – Paul = bad news
If we have Christ, we shall have life 🙂 Praise the Lord!
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wage of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Matthew 16:25 “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Matthew 3:2 “And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
I agree with the above you mentioned, but also read:
1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Colossians 2:8 – Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
We are OUTTA HERE. Read Revelation 3:10, KJBible. Note that Christ says He will KEEP US FROM the hour which is to try the whole world. He doesn’t say He will take us through it. Things will get dicey but when the archangel shouts and we hear that trumpet, hasta la vista. On to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED!
We live not by bread alone my friend, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Is His arm shortened that He cannot take care of His own? Read beginning at 1Thessalonians 4:16 and HEAR what the Spirit is saying.
The false prophet is coming with signs and wonders and by those signs he causes them to worship the beast as God almighty…The false prophet is going to make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men and those who are being deceived by the signs are going to worship the beast…If you worship the beast you can buy or sell…If you don’t worship the beast you cannot buy or sell…All those who owned a business or want to owned a business must worship the beast…The government is responsible for selling business permits…Those who are obeying God will not be able to owned a business to buy and sell…The devil is going to go after those who obey the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ…The U.S. is serving the star spangled of heaven and the eagle of the earth…Mexico is serving the eagle and serpent of the earth…Canada is serving the maple leaf of the tree of the earth…Japan is serving the sun of heaven…Israel is serving the star remphan of heaven to this day Acts 7…Some nations are serving the stars, the moon, and the sun…And some are serving the eagle, the bear, and the lion…When you pledge allegiance to the flag, or when you salute the flag, or when you sing the national anthem to the flag, you are committing fornication with an idol…The founding fathers made images of the stars, the moon, the sun, of birds and four footed beasts, in the likeness of heaven above and in the likeness of the earth below…When God said, “you shall not make or serve any image in the likeness of heaven above or in the likeness of the earth below” (Ex.20:1-5) (De.4:15-19)…The devil uses Romans 13 to deceive those who are serving the flag of any nation…But He who said in Romans 13 “submit to the authorities” said also in Ex.20:1-5 and De.4:15-19, “you shall not make or serve any image”…The star spangled is an image of the stars of heaven…The bald eagle is an image of the eagle of the earth…The mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead is identical to the pledge of allegiance to the flag…The right hand is placed over the heart or over the forehead…When the king of Babylon the great played the national anthem at the sound of music the Babylonians fell down to worship the gold image…Today when the U.S. plays the national anthem at the sound of music the U.S. citizens stand to sing a song to the star spangled of heaven…The nations idols are high and lifted up on a flag pole and those who are serving the flag are called “idol worshippers”…God calls this type of flag service “idolatry”…The leaders of the churches of God who are serving the flag, are being deceived by the devil to this day.
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I’m convinced our country (USA) and other nations are will be held captive by our god of technology. Our trust is not in God, rather we choose to trust computers, banks, wall street, etc… We take for granted we’ll always have a grocery store to get a meal, fuel for our furnace to take away the winter cold. All of these luxuries have left us complacent about the poor and needy. I’ve got mine, so what about you. That’s the general attitude of Americans today.
Jesus didn’t live a life of comfort. Compassion came easy to Him because He loved God and His ways and lived in the streets with those hearts He touched.
I believe in Jesus. Did he not visit those who willingly listen to his words within their homes. Did not Jesus himself receive food and shelter from those who willingly listened to his words? Jesus fed the poor who would listen to him on the mountain side, but did he not say it was better to teach a man to fish for his food than for man to beg for it? And, did he not say: “Ask, and ye shall receive” or “Seek, and ye shall find” the needy are many, the complacent are not teachers of Christ, rather slaves to righteousness who work everyday to feed themselves. For Adam was banished from the garden, and told he would have to till the soil for his food. Yet, those who come to America have misinterpret our words, home of the brave, land of the free. Free does not mean everything is for free. Free food, free housing, free medical, free education, free fuel assistance, free clothing, free transportation, free internet, free cell phone services. When did Jesus say food was free?
What is wrong with a ‘slave to righteousness’? Seems to me that if we are saved by Christ, we are to be just that! Paul called himself a slave to Christ (an honor, by the way). Your comment seems a tad confused. Are you confused?