You No Longer Have any Privacy
In today’s post-911 environment, your privacy is no longer something you can expect.
Our privacy has been invaded by big government and big business tracking and data-basing of our medical records, employment records, education records, driving records, travel records, library records, financial records….etc.
Much of this privacy, we have freely given away to multi-national corporations in the small print of the “terms and conditions” we routinely accept in exchange for trinkets to entertain us.
Companies like Google and Facebook that dominate the Internet promise us free services in exchange for the right to watch and study us; to mine and farm us. Like quarries, like livestock, we are natural resources to be exploited in a brave new digital world of corporate surveillance that threatens our most fundamental freedoms. [RSA]
Your smart phones act as a conduit passing your private information along to those who want it. The built-in GPS systems in your phone track your every move.
5G wifi is being sold to the global public as a super fast internet. We’re told it’s designed to allow faster downloads of more data. What they choose not to mention is the technology is being used to connect together the disparate technologies of a global control grid. It’s designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT.
5G wifi will allow for the real time tracking and control of just about everything, from your travel habits, eating habits, sleeping habits, whether you use a specific medical device or baby monitor, how you spend your free time, and even the kind of clothing you wear. Much of the connective technology is already in the smart meters outside the home, the smart phones we carry, the wifi routers in hour home, and even the Alexa smart speakers that listen to our conversations.
iRobot recently accepted Amazon’s $1.7 billion offer to purchase the robot vacuum company. If the deal goes through, pending shareholder and regulatory approval, the technology giant will receive a plethora of personal data, including the floor plans of millions of users’ homes. In 2021, iRobot reported that over 40 million Roombas had been sold worldwide since the release of its first model in 2002.
Government, too, intrudes into our lives based on the claim of national security. Originally sold as surveiling foreign interests posing potential threats to our nation, later discovering through the Snowden leaks that American citizens are included in these security sweeps.
Bill Gates has poured $Millions into the EarthNow project. EarthNow aims to operate a fleet of small satellites that will send continuous real-time video views of our planet from Earth orbit. The satellites will be modified versions of the spacecraft that Airbus is building for the OneWeb broadband internet satellite constellation. While not billed as such, the EarthNow system will allow authorities to visually monitor the movement of people in real time.
Terms and Conditions May Apply
Intimate details about you are shared among the highest bidder and your buying preferences are exposed to just about anybody that wants to know them.
The monitoring and tracking of people have become commonplace and huge databases are being compiled on every citizen.
Huge multinational corporations like Acxiom, Oracle Data Cloud, Epsilon, and a host of other data analytic marketing companies have sprung up collecting and indexing just about everything you do. One such company, Cambridge Analytica boasts about their ability to combine over 5,000 pieces of data that they can collect on any given individual – from what airlines they’ve flown on to what magazines they’re subscribed to and everything else you can possibly imagine – to help create “psychographic” profiles of that person.
President Trump signed into law S.J.Res.34 in 2017 that will nullify the Federal Communications Commission’s final rule titled “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunication Services,” 81 Fed. Reg. 87274, thus allowing internet providers to sell customers’ sensitive search histories, including medical and financial searches, to marketers.
The rule, passed by the FCC at the tail end of President Obama’s second term, heavily regulated how internet providers and telecom companies could use their customers data, requiring them to get permission before sharing them with marketers.
Apparently now, they are free to sell that information without getting your permission.
In the wake of the SARS-CoV-2 plandemic, President Trump announced Operation Warp Speed (OWS). Fed by the mainstream media, the public is given the impression this program is about rushing a vaccine to market in order to open up society and return to normal. On the surface, that may be true… but there is much below the surface with far more sinister goals. It has very little to do with “public health” and everything to do with total control.
OWS sets up a public/private partnership between the governments surveillance state and big data to surveil and track a majority of Americans and to use the country’s population as guinea pigs for unlicensed, understudied, and experimental vaccine technologies. It will enable a surveillance panopticon so dystopian and far reaching that Americans stand to lose not only their few remaining civil liberties but even sovereignty over their own bodies.
revealed in an interesting article, Google & Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed’s Covid-19 Vaccine for up to Two Years, some shocking details about OWS and the invasion of your privacy.
During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the “captain” of Operation Warp Speed, career Big Pharma executive Moncef Slaoui, confirmed that the millions of Americans who are set to receive the project’s Covid-19 vaccine will be monitored via “incredibly precise . . . tracking systems” that will “ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects.” Slaoui also noted that tech giants Google and Oracle have been contracted as part of this “tracking system” but did not specify their exact roles beyond helping to “collect and track vaccine data.”
In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, the US military attempted to institute a surveillance program so invasive that Congress defunded it just months after its creation due to public outrage. Known as Total Information Awareness (TIA), the program sought to develop an all-seeing surveillance apparatus managed by the Pentagon’s DARPA and officially argued that invasive surveillance of the entire US population was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, bioterrorism events, and even naturally occurring disease outbreaks before they could take place.
Before it was disbanded, TIA sought to collect Americans’ medical records; fingerprints; gait, facial, and iris biometric data; drug prescriptions; and even DNA in addition to citizens’ financial, travel, and media-consumption habits. TIA, not unlike Operation Warp Speed, was a “public-private partnership” managed by the DOD and partnered with the NSA, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies as well as the private sector and academia.
Also like Warp Speed, TIA officially justified its invasive surveillance goals by claiming that its initiatives would rescue Americans from the “invisible enemy” of faceless terrorists abroad and ensure citizens’ safety, security, and health. Today, Warp Speed officially takes aim at a new type of “invisible enemy”—a microbe invisible to the naked human eye.
The Trump administration made 5G a priority.
“The race to 5G is on and America must win.” Trump said.
It’s important to understand that 5G is much more than just the next generation of wireless network that will enable faster data speeds. It will be foundational to economic growth in the coming years and the country that controls the 5G standards will be the dominant economy.
Unlike 4G LTE, which mainly targeted mobile phones, tablets and computers, 5G is also expected to enable more reliable connections on self-driving vehicles that will need a constant data connection, and smart cities that use IoT (internet of things) devices, such as connected street lamps, traffic lights and more. IoT Analytics estimated an increase in the number of IoT devices, enabled by 5G technology, from 7 billion in 2018 to 21.5 billion by 2025. According to the Communications Technology Industry Association, in the United States alone the technologies enabled by 5G would spawn upwards of three million new jobs and $500 billion in economic growth.
Data is at the heart of this 5G market opportunity, reaching $10 trillion by 2035 according to ABI Research. The massive volume of data generated and leveraged every day is driving the transformation of communication networks, disrupting industries, and inspiring a global ecosystem of companies to seize seemingly limitless 5G business opportunities.
Apparently, there are two competing 5G technologies vying for global dominance.
America is developing it’s 5G network to operate in the millimeter band (110 to 300 GHz) , while China is developing 5G (sub-6) using 3.5 GHz spectrum in non-standalone (NSA) mode on existing 3G and 4G infrastructure allowing them to reuse a number of their existing cell sites. It’s this Chinese technology that has been deployed on a large scale across South Korea in 2019.
Millimeter waves have a limited range and therefore more smaller antennas will be required every few hundred meters to complete the network compared to the larger antennas used in previous cellular networks. 5G cellular networks are broken down into small geographical areas called cells. All the 5G wireless devices in a cell communicate by radio waves with a local antenna array and low power automated transceiver in the cell, over frequency channels assigned by the transceiver from a pool of frequencies which are reused in other cells. The local antennas are connected with the telephone network and the Internet by a high bandwidth optical fiber or wireless backhaul connection.
“To accelerate and incentivize these investments, my administration is freeing up as much wireless spectrum as needed,” Trump said. ”[We’re] removing regularity barriers to the build out of networks.The FCC is taking very bold action, bolder than they’ve ever taken before, to make wireless spectrum available.”
It’s interesting to note other technologies being developed to operate in the millimeter waves.
Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force has developed a nonlethal antipersonnel weapon system called Active Denial System (ADS) which emits a beam of radiation with a wavelength of 3 mm. The weapon causes a person in the beam to feel an intense burning pain, as if their skin is going to catch fire.
The TSA has deployed millimeter wave scanners to many major airports. Since clothing and other organic materials are transparent to millimeter waves of certain frequencies, these millimeter wave scanners are ideal for security screeners to detect weapons and other dangerous objects carried under clothing – it allows screeners to see airport passengers as if without clothing. According to Farran Technologies, a manufacturer of one model of the millimeter wave scanner, the technology exists to extend the search area to as far as 50 meters beyond the scanning area which would allow security workers to scan a large number of people without their awareness that they are being scanned.
5G and AI Everywhere: 2030 Will Be a New World | Jeff Brown | Ep 60 | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Social Credit Score
The elite are rolling out in China what is being called a “social credit score.” Why is this important for Americans? While the social credit score is not currently being used in America (to my knowledge), American companies are working with China and providing technology to develop their system. You might think of China as a sort of “beta-test”. If the system works well there, it will only be a matter of time until corporate and government interests in America see the value of social credit scores for you and I.
Exposing China’s Digital Dystopian Dictatorship
The vision of those deep state elites to impose their full spectrum dominance over the human race includes:
Every person is tracked, their conversations recorded, their purchases monitored, their social networks mapped, their habits studied, and ultimately, their behaviors predicted so that those powers can better control the human population. With the advent of technologies such as the internet of things, their vision is closer than ever to reality.
Free is a Lie