About Global Warming and our Planet
Global warming has become one of the more popular rantings of a doomsday-forecasting scientists. Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonsensical arguments regarding man-made climate change.
Every one of us should be bothered about this issue as it will become a larger tool in the arsenal of the Socialist Left to control more about our lives. But the reality is, they’re already doing it and as a result are siphoning off millions of dollars into their Socialist coffers.
The truth is, global warming is a natural phenomenon; the greenhouse gases acting as a blanket to keep the earth from becoming too cold. Collectivists have in recent years been pretty effective in shifting the blame to human society and the use of fossil fuels that caused the carbon level in the atmosphere to increase. In the past 20 years or so, scientists started to notice that the surface temperature was getting higher; that we were having more storms and cyclonic disturbances, and are now painting a doomsday scenario if nothing is done about it.
That’s right… they say we are now staring at a global catastrophe. Rising sea levels have started to threaten tiny island nations like Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean. Floods have increased, as have devastating hurricanes and cyclones. Elsewhere heat waves are killing thousands and some places are facing prolonged droughts.
Already, some scientists are pointing to climate change as a culprit to explain the expected record 50 inches of rain that might fall in Texas as a result of Hurricane Harvey, and the rising tide of water that is swamping and isolating America’s fourth-most-populous city.
If this continues, some scientists say, within the next 50 to 60 years there will be acute food shortage as the rivers in many food producing regions of eastern Asia will flood fertile land and damage crops. The impact will be felt even in US and Europe, countries that buy the grain from these regions. Malaria and other epidemics will become rampant, killing thousands. Civil unrest will follow plunging the world into total chaos. In the animal world, species after species will become extinct, especially in the marine world, as coral reefs will be destroyed. Phytoplankton, which lies at the bottom of the food chain, will disappear, as seawater will get warmer, taking with it the entire food chain.
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