Meet Daniel’s God
I share with you this morning Daniel’s prayer, a revelation of what his God can do and has done.
“Praise the name of God forever and ever for he has all wisdom and power.
He controls the course of world events.
He removes kings and sets up other kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.
He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what is hidden in darkness though he is surrounded by light.
I thank and praise you God of my ancestors, for you have given me wisdom and strength. You have told me what we asked of you and revealed to me what the king demanded.” Daniel 2:20-23
Four words come to me as I read this. God is in control! I think about that and wonder. With God in charge I am thinking. What is the purpose of current world affairs? That man in the Oval Office, so God put him there? And if so then why? Like you I long to know the meaning of this.
At moments like this I fear we must look like faith babies to our God. In China you can go to prison for sharing your true beliefs. In North Korea you might end up in a camp or be killed. Also in some Muslim countries Christians face beheading or the raping of their women. Christians in such places know what persecution is.
Here in the United States we have only begun to face real opposition. Only a few have even experienced real persecution, but that is about to change. It looks like government wants churches not to meet, yet you can shop at Walmart. Uh the average Walmart has more customers at a time than some churches see on an Easter morning. What’s up with that?
And since Christians who truly follow Christ stand up against CRT being taught in our schools the state again wants us to sit down and shut up. Does the state really want what is best for your child? I think not.
All those things the Bible calls evil our world now calls good. Gay rights, Black Lives Matter, legalizing drugs, abortion, assisted suicide; what in the world is going on?
Since God is in control I would suggest we ask him what this is all about. I believe these are end times signs, but how bad will it get? How can I prepare? Oh brothers and sisters we need to follow the example given in Daniel. We must not ignore the issues here. Instead we must get involved. We must pray, asking God to instruct us and give us the much needed answers. And we must believe that he will indeed mentor us through this. Spend time today in prayer. Don’t simply say, “I guess it is God’s will,” then give up and give in. Daniel didn’t do that and neither should you.
These morning meditations written by Christian believer and author, Patricia Hawkins, who offers these meditations for your personal edification. You may contact Patricia at