Fake Science Driving Coronavirus Plandemic
You hear it everywhere, politicians and globalist experts are parroting that their actions are data driven and based on science… the same bogus fear-based theoretical scientific modeling methods used to show global annihilation caused by climate change. Not even the top scientists can agree on what is real science.
These so-called experts are paraded before the American people in a daily onslaught of deep state propaganda. The president’s advisers, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, have been exposed as frauds and should not be allowed to continue dictating policy. They convinced the president to make bad decisions based on faulty science and speculative computer models stocked with false assumptions. They are up to their necks in conflicts of interest, mostly having to do with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its many global partners pushing population control through the use of mandatory vaccines and a global ID system that can be used for tracking individual Americans. And, these are the people telling the public over and over again they have a solution. No pre-existing agenda here, right?
2.2 Million Dead if No Social Distancing
Governments are using their sham prediction models to convince the public the unconstitutional social distancing measures are necessary to “flatten the curve” or slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2. While it may sound reasonable, there’s no conclusive evidence whatsoever that social distancing reduces the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. Never mind their theory cannot be proven, we should still listen to these experts and permit authoritarian government officials to enforce extreme social distancing measures.
Most of what we’re witnessing in this Great Panic of 2020 is rooted in the work of Professor Neil Ferguson and his employer Imperial College London. Ferguson is a statistician who studied math and physics, but has no medical training whatsoever. When Ferguson released his model that predicted a worst-case estimate of 510,000 deaths in the UK, and 2.2 million deaths in the US, the world stood up. Both heads of government, Trump and Johnson, radically changed course. Instead of allowing people to go about their lives and develop natural immunity, they took the lockdown approach, devastating their economies.
What has Neil Ferguson’s track record been in predicting pandemic outcomes?
- Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [actually, Mad Cow disease] outbreak. Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.
- Ferguson was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird [avian] Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.
- In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.
And now based on this dismal record, we’ve closed down global economies including the most powerful economy in the world, the United States. Dr Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.
Demonstrating the double standard of the coronavirus plandemic, Mr. Ferguson, the architect of the lockdown world, considers himself above the rest of us. We should be subject to lockdown, but he doesn’t haven’t to follow his own advice. Apparently, after being caught violating the social distancing rules he inspired to meet his married lover, Ferguson has resigned from his post in SAGE, the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. Drs. Fauci and Birx should also resign.
Computer models predicting the spread of disease may be an interesting academic exercise, but in the real world, where lives and nations are on the line, THE DATA, on which the projections are based, are elusive. Without accurate data, what do you have? How about opinion, bias, and conjecture?
Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics
It’s painfully obvious Dr. Fauci and his predictions blew things way out of proportion.
When the real science data flows in, we discover the models were wrong in the first place and massively overestimated the scope of the pandemic. There have been no hundreds of thousands of dead bodies from Covid-19, and the doomsday predictions of “overwhelmed hospitals” never materialized outside of a couple of places in New York City. On April 4th, for example, the IHME model predicted there would be between 120,963 and 203,436 Americans requiring hospitalization, with the average of that range being 164,745. In reality, there were 18,998. Instead of hospitals being overwhelmed with patients, most were emptied as medical staff was furloughed or laid off.
Instead of acknowledging their error, they simply adjust their scientific outcomes to manipulate the facts to fit their “flatten the curve” narrative. That’s not real science, it’s theory at best and misleading speculation at worst.
Were this just $2 wasted on a lottery ticket it wouldn’t matter. But are we hurting millions of people and spending trillions of dollars on nothing more than a hunch based on computer models that are wildly inaccurate?
What does the real data show that conflicts their models?
- 96-98% of coronavirus patients RECOVER.
- Of the 4% that die, 90% of those have comorbitities… heart failure, emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, immunodeficient, HIV
Bottom line is that while coronavirus is real and people do die, the data does not support closing down the economy and promoting draconian social distancing.
To inflate their case fatality rate numbers and make the virus appear much larger than it really is, patients dying of all sorts of causes are labeled as death by Covid-19. The CDC guidance for labeling deaths even states as much.
Minnesota physician and Republican state senator, Dr. Scott Jensen, went on The Ingraham Angle to discuss how the CDC is encouraging American doctors to over-count coronavirus deaths across the US.
“It’s Ridiculous” – Dr Scott Jensen On Broad Covid-19 Death Count Guidelines & Financial Incentives
Dr. Jensen also disclosed that hospitals are paid more if they list patients with a COVID-19 diagnosis. And hospitals get paid THREE TIMES AS MUCH if the patient then goes on a ventilator.
Early on in the pandemic, experts were telling us those vulnerable individuals with pre-existing conditions and compromised immune systems were most at risk for dying from Covid-19. Doctors across the country are reporting they are being pressured to report just about any death as Covid-19.
Oh come on, what happened to common sense? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that people with pre-existing health conditions and compromised immune systems are more likely to die from ANY condition than healthy people with stronger immune systems.
If we were to follow real proven science regarding the spread of a virus we would be implementing quarantine of infected people. That is to isolate those sick individuals from the healthy population. Quarantine works! But, that’s not what we’re doing with SARS-CoV-2. Instead, we are isolating “non-essential” healthy people through social distancing and “stay-at-home” orders while allowing “essential” workers to continue working. There is no evidence of that being effective and really amounts to house arrest of non-essential people, not quarantine.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:14
I’m convinced God created our bodies to properly fight against the germs and viruses prevalent throughout our world. That’s the real magic of our immune system that God created in our bodies. I’m not discounting the value of science as science only discovers what God already created long ago. The problem arises when God is replaced with man, declaring himself to be as God (Genesis 3:1-5). It is man’s faulty reasoning that promotes all the dirty food, dirty water, dirty air, and dirty lifestyles that compromise our immune system that is killing people from Covid-19. When God created man, He also created the food, water, and air we need to live healthy. It’s through the madness of man creating novel foods through GMO and gene editing, introducing chemicals into our water and air (fluoridation and chem-trails, for ex.), contaminated vaccines, and promoting malnutrition that is killing us..