The Legal Aspects Of A Gun Control Ban
There are norms which regulate gun control in America. But what exactly do these norms suggest? According to the second amendment to the constitution of the United States, all American citizens have the right to bear arms. In some states a gun permit is required to carry a concealed weapon. But at the same time, you can carry a knife without a permit. But if you compare the two, both can be equally destructive and fatal if need be. The ban for gun control is therefore useless unless all similar weapons are included in the ban.
We’ve seen wanton acts of violence around the world where a gun was not involved. The Middle East is regularly rocked by radicals strapping bombs onto their body and detonating themselves in public places. In Nice, France recently the weapon of choice was a freight truck used to mow down people enjoying a fireworks display. In Germany, a radical jihadist used a hatchet to spread terror inside a train car.
Why The Ban?
Statistics suggest why the gun ban has been implied in the first place. Every day more than 30 people in America are murdered by a gun. So when you take detailed stats according to population, one out of every 25,916 people are murdered with a gun in America whereas only one out of every 3,254,508 are killed with a gun in Japan. So America is fast turning out to be the shooting ground of the world. Hence the gun control laws by the government have been implied. Of course those calling for a ban ignore the fact that most of the gun violence is perpetrated by criminals and by their nature, criminals will not follow the law. So, a gun ban in this instance would have little effect on the results.
Experts say that this high rate is due to the fact that America is the most culturally diverse country in the world. We find people of all kinds, race, religion etc. in America. This may lead to groupism and inter group rivalry. Each day many Americans constantly live in fear for the safety of their family. Protecting the family through gun control is the most important thing for every American.
Other Americans point out the second amendment provides them a means of protecting their families from criminals. Where gun bans are instituted – gun free zones – helpless disarmed people are defenseless against criminals.
Why Is Gun Control Not Effective?
More than 11000 homicides are committed each year without a gun. So why a law on gun control? Why not on other weapons? This has been the topic of debate for quite some time now. Unless you make crime control more effective, the law for gun control is useless.
Democrats call for “common sense” gun control. What does that mean?
Perhaps if they were advocating enforcing existing laws, it might make some common sense.
In order to make crime control more effective, it must be noted that all criminals who are charged with homicide serve the maximum sentence possible in a maximum security prison. Even parole should not be allowed for such criminals whose very existence threatens the peace and harmony of a good law abiding American citizen. Each day as we teach our kids about the glory of America, about being proud to be born as an American, and we expect the government should make more efforts to see that the kids believe in what we teach. If they see someone ripping a throat at a busy junction, then they will live in fear. They will certainly not grow up to be what we want them to be.
So rather than making gun control the prime objective, the government should make crime control more effective.