The Pentagon Propaganda Machine – Operation Mockingbird
We are assaulted daily with a steady flow of information from politicians, governments, corporations, special interest groups, and many others with a motive to inform our beliefs about something and sometimes to change our minds. The whole advertising industry in recent decades have studied human behavior and developed detailed communication models to sell every imaginable product and service. Politicians rely on it to get elected. Special interest groups constantly remind us to “save the planet” or “flatten the curve”. Social media giants promote what they believe to be reality and censor discussion of anything contrary.
We are all affected by this communication – either for the good, or the bad.
Now, we could probably debate all day long about WHO is at the top of the pyramid and what their agenda might be. I suggest that whomever it might be, perhaps we could instead ask HOW they get these messages into the minds of people. That was basically the curriculum I studied in college. My Masters Degree says it’s in “Communications.” Within that category I more specifically studied Advertising and Public Relations. What emerged from those studies was a more fully developed understanding of propaganda.
Did you know the Pentagon has been using the corporate media as a propaganda delivery system for many years?
Among the many sources, here you have at least one… both the WHO and the HOW, at least one of the “who” and one of the “hows”.
It’s been learned since 1948, the CIA has dominated corporate media through its Operation Mockingbird. Once dubbed a “conspiracy theory,” the Church Committee investigation in 1975 exposed a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence domestic and foreign media beginning in the 1950s.
Operation Mockingbird
Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40’s), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll. In 1948, Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner established Mockingbird, and recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great; “By the early 1950s, Wisner ‘owned’ respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles.” [Deborah Davis (1979). Katharine the Great. pp. 137–138.]
After 1953, Operation Mockingbird had a major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. It was discovered that from the 1950s through the 1970s, the CIA was paying many journalists in the USA and foreign locations to publish what they wanted. These organizations were run by people with well-known left-wing views such as William Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post), Jerry O’Leary (Washington Star), Hal Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr., (Louisville Courier-Journal), James Copley (Copley News Services) and Joseph Harrison (Christian Science Monitor). [Carl Bernstein (20 October 1977). “CIA and the Media“, Rolling Stone Magazine.]
Media assets include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens.
In 1977, Rolling Stone alleged CIA controlled journalists included Stewart Alsop (New York Herald Tribune), Ben Bradlee (Newsweek), James Reston (New York Times), Charles Douglas Jackson (Time Magazine), Walter Pincus (Washington Post), William C. Baggs (The Miami News), Herb Gold (The Miami News) and Charles Bartlett (Chattanooga Times).
The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. YouTube chose to remove this video… I wonder why? Fortunately the video is available on other platforms.
Today, the mainstream corporate media has become the mouthpiece of a emerging collectivist government and possesses an explicit capacity of advocacy and ability to frame political issues.
Their agenda is to advance the New World Order message.
“Democracy without honest information creates the illusion of popular consent, while enhancing the power of the state and the privileged interests protected by it. Democracy without accountability creates the illusion of popular control, while offering ordinary Americans only cheap tickets to the balcony. Too far away to see that the public stage has become just a reality TV set.” – Bill Moyers
The Biden administration announced the launch of a national vaccine promotional campaign aimed at encouraging hesitant Americans to get immunized.The advertisements are part of a $250 million Covid-19 education campaign run by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
An Associated Press investigation found that over the past five years, the money the military spends on winning hearts and minds at home and abroad, what it calls “the human terrain”, has grown by 63 percent, to at least $4.7 billion this year, according to Department of Defense budgets and other documents. In 2009, the Pentagon employed 27,000 people just for recruitment, advertising and public relations which makes it bigger in size, money and power than many media companies.
The U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN and NPR in 1998 and 1999. While the media outlets claim they have since been terminated, what do you think the odds are there are still CIA operatives employed in the mainstream media newsrooms?
President Donald Trump Slams CNN and calls them Fake News!!!
The current emphasis on propaganda operations started with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. In 2002, Rumsfeld established the Office of Strategic Influence that brought together public affairs and psychological operations. Congress demanded that the office be shut down. Rumsfeld responded in a speech he delivered on Nov. 18, 2002, “There’s the name. You can have the name, but I’m gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have.” In 2003, Rumsfeld issued a secret Information Operations Roadmap setting out a plan for public affairs and psychological operations to work together. It noted that with a global media, the military should expect and accept that psychological operations will reach the U.S. public.
Out of its Joint Hometown News Service located on an abandoned Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, Pentagon staff writers pump out thousands of press releases, television releases and radio interviews, all provided free to news organizations around the world. The stories go out with authors’ names but not their titles, and do not mention Hometown News anywhere.
Despite a supposed prohibition on propaganda, spending on public affairs stories designed to influence the American public has more than doubled since 2003. A recent inspector general audit concluded that a public affairs program called “America Supports You” was conducted “in a questionable and unregulated manner” with funds meant for the military’s Stars and Stripes newspaper.
One of the fastest-growing parts of the military media is “psychological operations,” where spending has also doubled since 2003. Psychological operations are generally aimed at foreign audiences, not intended for American consumption. However, when an American TV anchor asked Gen. David Petraeus about the mood in Iraq, the general held up a glossy photo of the Iraqi national soccer team to show the country united in victory. In fact, it was U.S. psychological operations that had quietly distributed tens of thousands of the soccer posters in July 2007 to encourage Iraqi nationalism.
Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, director of strategic communications for the U.S. Central Command, says psychological operations must be secret to be effective. He says that in the 21st century, it is probably not possible to win the information battle with insurgents without exposing American citizens to secret U.S. propaganda.
US Army Field Manual 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics (released 30 September 1997), defines information warfare as “actions taken to achieve information superiority by affecting a hostile’s information, information based-processes, and information systems, while defending one’s own information, information processes, and information systems.”
Information Gerrymandering
One example of how the war for your mind works is what’s called gerrymandered minds. Studies have shown information gerrymandering can change the way we think about political decisions. People must integrate disparate sources of information when deciding how to vote. But information does not always flow freely — it can be constrained by social networks and distorted by zealots and automated bots. The researchers showed that certain network structures can sway the vote outcome towards one party, even when both parties have equal size and each player has the same influence — a phenomenon they call ‘information gerrymandering’. A small number of zealots, when strategically placed on the network, can also induce information gerrymandering. [Nature]
Isn’t this what we discovered in Russian interference in the 2016 elections?
The following video shows how information gerrymandering impacts what people believe to be true about their reality and how it destroys our ability to reach a consensus.
Solar Wind Impact, Cascadia Pattern, Truth Crisis | S0 News Oct.24.2019
My 9-11 Wake Up
While many missed this fake news story, it was perhaps the most momentous for me. It was the BBC account of the collapse of Building 7 on Sept. 11. It was sorta like the deja-vu moment where there was a glitch in the matrix. It was this story that woke me up to the fact that we were not getting the true story about what happened that fateful day.
911 inside job
Sadly, the mainstream media and educational system have successfully dumbed down much of the population regarding the events of 9/11. Most have been brainwashed into believing the false narrative presented by those who brought down the buildings in New York. Almost every person I’ve talked to DO NOT know some of the fundamental historical facts regarding 9/11. For example, almost nobody know there were more than just two buildings that collapsed on 9/11 and know nothing about WTC Building 7.
The 47-story WTC 7 was the third skyscraper to be completely destroyed on September 11, 2001, collapsing rapidly and symmetrically into its footprint at 5:20 PM. Seven years later, investigators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed high-rise ever to have collapsed solely as a result of normal office fires.
Contrary to the conclusions of NIST, the University of Alaska Fairbanks research team found that the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 was caused not by fires but by the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building. Their report was published in March 2020.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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