The Laws of Man
Many disregard the commandments of God and choose rather to abide by the 10 Planks of Communism.
- How can the Christian “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s (income taxes), and withhold from God what is God’s (tithe),” and yet claim to be without sin?
- How can the Christian consent to the thieves (U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve, and International Banks) stealing their wealth and the wealth of their children by putting their money in godless banks and using their usurious credit cards to buy things?
- How can the Christian continue to accept counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) in violation of Leviticus 19:35-36 and Deuteronomy 25:13 -16, and Article I of the U.S. Constitution and believe they will not suffer poverty?
- How can the Christian vote for politicians or support laws that promote same sex marriage and believe they are not equally in violation of God’s laws regarding homosexuality? Today, we are embracing sodomy as a civil right, rather than the sin that it is.
- How can the Christian permit abortion to be provided in their cities and not know they are partakers with murderers?
- How can American Christians stand by as our country’s Godly heritage is destroyed by godless collectivists and not understand they are being sold into slavery and will suffer the consequences?
- How can Christians allow their children to be indoctrinated into the religion of secular humanism in government schools instead of training them up in Godly ways and not expect them to depart from the faith when they are older (Prov. 22:6)?
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. [Romans 1:32]
Your depth of understanding of spiritual blessings gives you the understanding and the platform to assemble the truth and then present it to all the world.
We need to have those that read your messages,( they are messages in their own right) and carry the message into our Churches, and, remove those who preach and teach other wise , many preach and teach almost anything to get people to attend and receive offerings. I have been a pastor, evangelist and teacher for 49 years,( almost 50 now) and your articles are presented in a forthright manner in plain language that all can receive and understand, plus I firmly believe it is truth all need to receive and apply as faithful true Christians. We are to be light bearers, not in word only but in our every day lives ,what we say, what we do and how we live and rise our children. Keep up the great work.
Great website. Keep “holding forth the word of life.”