Understanding the Homosexual Agenda
Through the “leadership” of Bill Clinton, his vision is a 21st. Century America where homosexuality is accepted as a normal lifestyle.
Mr. Clinton repeatedly addressed homosexuals saying, “I have a vision, and you are part of it.”
On Nov. 8, 1997 President Clinton became the first sitting president to address a homosexual rights group when he spoke at a sold-out dinner speech to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual and lesbian group. In the speech he urged Congress to pass legislation against homosexual job discrimination.
“Should we change the law? You bet. Should we keep fighting discrimination? Absolutely,” Clinton said. “But we have to broaden the imagination of America. We are redefining in practical terms the immutable ideals that have guided us from the beginning.”
“We are redefining in practical terms
the immutable ideals that have
guided us from the beginning.”
In that single statement, President Bill Clinton set forth the real problem facing all humanity, and should be especially poignant for us today.
In a real sense, it is a rephrasing of a statement made thousands of years ago to the first couple. Genesis 3 describes the efforts of a serpent to redefine in practical terms the immutable ideals set forth by God. And, because that first couple embraced that enlightened redefinition, the course of humanity was forever changed. Bill Clinton and many others today in our society are still asking you to embrace the idea that we really know a better way – that we can define good and evil based on contemporary popular opinion – that you can define life and your relationships to others on your terms – in essence, that “you will be like God” (Gen. 3:5).
“Woe unto them who call evil, good, and good, evil” – Isaiah 5:20
The Birth of the Homosexual Movement
In the summer of 1969 a radically new political and social movement was born. It happened at the Stonewall Bar in Greenwich Village (New York). It started out as a routine police raid on a bar known for illegal sexual behavior. The police arrived, saw what they expected, and began making arrests. But instead of surrendering to the police, the patrons fought back with bricks and stones and epithets. The Stonewall resistance was the spark that ignited an explosion of homosexual activism.
Homosexuals began to urge that homosexuality not only be tolerated but also accepted as ‘good, right, and desirable for those who choose to engage in it’.
The date of the Stonewall riot became ‘Gay Pride’ Day, celebrated throughout the United States, often with the blessing of local city councils.
Within three short decades the public relations business reached its fullest potential in the promotion of the homosexual rights movement and has altered the nation’s perception of homosexuals to such a degree that people once seen as anti-social perverts have now achieved “most favored minority” status. They have even successfully changed the terms used to describe them from “faggot,” “girlie-boy,” and “queer” to more politically correct positive terms like “gay,” and “alternative lifestyle.”
Like most advertising campaigns, the promotion of homosexuality has relied heavily on the calculated manipulation of fact and truth. One such distortion of truth is we are told a person’s genetic biologic birth gender does not matter, but rather it’s a person’s “gender identity” that defines their role in society and should be a protected civil right.
Fast forward to the presidency of Barack Obama. The United States military ended its “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and allowed openly gay people to serve while same-sex marriage is embraced. President Obama became the first American president to openly embrace legalizing homosexual and lesbian marriage after a handful of states had legalized same-sex marriage. In the ensuing years, numerous more state legislatures passed laws making same sex marriage legal. Then, on June 26, 2015, same-sex marriage was established in all 50 states as a result of a landmark civil rights ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Where have the voices of reason been while sodomites are infiltrating every level of government and society demanding legitimization of their sinful lifestyle?
Devoid of moral grounding and lacking moral fortitude, Americans are compromising away everything that made this country great and are willing to embrace the lies spewing from the pit of hell.
I’ve heard estimates that as much as 1/3 of the American population now accepts homosexuality as being a normal lifestyle.
The Homosexual Agenda
The overall strategy, as outlined in gay-authored books, such as The Homosexualization of America and After the Ball, is:
To divert the attention of the general public from “what homosexuals do;”
To make homosexuality a topic of everyday conversation so that it becomes familiar to all Americans and hence no longer threatening;
To portray homosexuals as normal and wholesome, like the folks next door; and
To portray those who disapprove of homosexual behavior as victimizers motivated by ignorance and hatred.
They Want Your Children!
The LBGT movement has long understood that in order to change society, they would need to first capture the children. They knew that changing the attitudes of adults would be an impossible task, but if they could inculcate their message into the minds of children, there would be a generational shift take place. We now have an entire generation of children raised in this gay friendly environment where homosexual propaganda has been about the only message they’ve heard. It’s become normal for them.
The American Library Association and “progressive” public school administrators across the nation have invited transvestites into the schools for a “Drag Queen Story Hour” with our children.
In 2016, President Obama issued guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity. Justice and Education Department officials have repeatedly made clear that under their interpretation of Title IX, the federal anti-discrimination law in education, schools receiving federal funds may not discriminate based on a student’s sex, including a student’s transgender status.
The letter the administration sent to school districts was signed by officials at the Justice Department and the Department of Education. While the letter does not have the force of law, it does warn that schools that do not abide by the administration’s interpretation of civil rights under the Title IX law may face lawsuits or loss of federal aid.
“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement.
According to the guidance, schools should let transgender students use bathrooms, locker rooms and other sex-segregated facilities consistent with their gender identity.
Encouraged by her school counselor to identify as a boy while in seventh grade and after Dr. Brenden Hursh at BC Children’s Hospital encouraged her to begin the injections to enable her to gain a more masculine appearance, the British Columbia Supreme Court ordered in February that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent. When her father objected, a Supreme Court judge found the father of the young old girl claiming to be transgender guilty of “family violence” because he continued to refer to his daughter as “she.” An order of protection issued by Justice Francesca Marzari states the father is subject to arrest if he attempts to “persuade” his daughter to “abandon treatment for gender dysphoria,” to call her by her birth name, or to refer to her “as a girl or with female pronouns,” either “directly or to third parties.” The court order states the father’s arrest may occur “immediately” and “without warrant” by a police officer “who has reasonable and probable grounds” to enforce the order.
m o d e r n i t y
The Christian position is clear: Homosexuality is an abomination, and we do not teach “tolerance” of a perverse criminal behavior, any more than we would teach “tolerance” of child abuse, pedophilia, rape, murder, cocaine dealing or embezzlement. While Christians may hate the sin… they continue to love the sinner and offer a message of hope for a healthier lifestyle.