A very present help in trouble
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“A very present help in trouble,” let that sink in. When trouble comes our Heavenly Father is not absent. I bet you have had that experience before, where one who said, “Just call if you need anything,” doesn’t answer their phone when you need them. See that person is not present in time of trouble. Mere words do not pull us through when trouble strikes.
When trouble does come we need two basics, a refuge and strength. A refuge is a place of safety, somewhere we can go to feel safe and talk it out. God is our refuge at such times. He will listen. He will care. And he may even provide human counsel. Yesterday he gave me two friends who helped me calm down and take proper action. Yes friends are gifts from God.
So God is our refuge and our strength. I have often heard, “but I am not strong enough. I can’t do this on my own.” In fact that is exactly how I feel in my current situation. How then do we get this strength that we ourselves do not have? It came to me in the form of a child and his father. Strength or courage comes because dad can do anything. See that is the mindset of a child. He runs to daddy and believes daddy will protect him. Daddy will do what that child cannot. This knowledge gives the child a sense of boldness or courage, strength that child would not have without daddy. With God it works the same way.
Today many of us stand in the midst of crisis. I say to you what my heart is saying to me in my crisis. Run to daddy. Our Heavenly Father is big enough to take on what we cannot. We do not face adversity alone. Our father is present and accounted for. Because he is present we can face the danger ahead. May our God be praised.
These morning meditations written by Christian believer and author, Patricia Hawkins, offer them for your personal edification. You may contact Patricia at prayerpartnerpat@gmail.com.