Bold as Lions
“The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.” – Proverbs 28:1
Do you remember this from your childhood? “Whose afraid of the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf?” I bet we all remember that, but it does make a point. We tend to be afraid of certain people or things. And because of fear we may do things we know to be wrong.
Have you ever noticed the behavior of those you might want to call wicked? Let us use a drug dealer as our example this morning. Now say that dealer gets robbed. Say somebody took his car. Will he go to the police? Most will not. And why not? Because he is afraid his own dealings will be found out. A drug dealer doesn’t like the cops. The cops represent the danger of prison. He will avoid the cops even if he gets beat up or worse.
One observation I am compelled to make here. A proverb states the ideal response, how it should be. Thus I am troubled by the last part of this proverb. “The godly are as bold as lions.” Perhaps some are, but I know very few bold believers.
And the fact believers are not bold as lions troubles me. If we are right then why do we hide? Are we who call ourselves followers of Jesus afraid of what man may do? Do we actually trust the Lord or are those just words we say? Can we be as bold as lions, standing against CRT and gender neutrality and abortion and other wrongs? Can we stand for saving babies, proper health care, honest leaders and more? While we sit back and sing, “God will take care of you,” our world becomes more corrupt. “We are his hands. We are his voice.” So the save the children song goes, but the church remains silent. What happened to being bold as lions? Have we become like the wicked?
These morning meditations written by Christian believer and author, Patricia Hawkins, offer them for your personal edification. You may contact Patricia at