Bill Clinton and the Environment
“Our challenge is to leave our environment safe and clean for the next generation.” President Clinton
Few people would argue this laudable challenge. The problems don’t arise from this shared goal, but from the methods used by collectivists to accomplish the goal and the true agenda behind the rhetoric. Clinton sees “big government” as being the protector of the environment and desires to give Washington bureaucrats control over not only public land but private property as well.
What Clinton really means here folks, is that he wants to prevent the private sector from controlling their own property and the environmental laws he refers to are nothing more than intrusive “big government” regulations imposed without restraint.
The President stood firm in balancing the budget without compromising environmental protections and the health of our children. Keep in mind that Clinton considers babies as an environmental problem and abortion as “health care.”
A Liberal Thought … It is immoral to chop down the rain forest, spew CFC’s into the ozone, and pollute our drinking water because all of these things will affect our unborn children in severe ways. However, aborting the unborn children is OK because it will NOT affect them. |
Democrats lauded Vice President Gore’s efforts as “reinventing” environmental regulations, cutting red tape, and making programs work better and cost less. In reality – raising taxes.
Democrats defended Clinton’s environmental policies saying protecting the environment will help expand the economy and create more jobs. Yeah … more bureaucrats and more money spent to bring into compliance of wasteful regulations and to defend against intrusive government.
President Clinton signed executive orders to increase recycling and cut waste in federal buildings. Sounds good, huh? Wait until you see how they do it!
In one State of Kansas office building where the temperature was “naturally” cool in the summer time, the bureaucrats discovered it was too cool so in their great liberal wisdom, decide to turn on the “heaters” to bring the temperature inside the building within the prescribed range. In the winter, they did just the opposite. Because the building was “naturally” warmer, they turned on the air conditioning system to cool off the building. Throughout this madness, they proudly reported that their building was within government mandated range. Did this stupidity cut waste? Did it save money? Absolutely not! Even though on paper they were doing the environmentally correct thing, in reality, they were wasting resources.
The Clinton Administration challenged businesses and communities to take more initiative in protecting the environment, and made it easier for them to do so. It was called “unfunded mandates.” The federal government decides in Washington what’s best for individual states and requires the states to figure out how to pay for it.
The Results of Clinton’s Environmental Policies
Despite all their fear-mongering about the environment, the Clinton administration didn’t care a whit about “saving the planet.” They didn’t really believe there was any impending environmental holocaust. There were only two reasons these notions were promoted: political expediency and personal empowerment. It simply boils down to this: Here’s another way to panic people into ceding their own personal freedom and wealth and to allow the left to grab even more power and control over the lives of individuals.
Vice-president Gore called for a wide bureaucratic superstructure to be imposed upon America’s business. He wanted to impose all kinds of environmental taxes. He wanted to bring about a redistribution of wealth between countries, giving massive amounts of moneys to third world countries. He wanted to shut down Americas industrial system because he sees it as simply a threat to the environment.
Gore called for the “rescue of the environment” to be “the central organizing principle for civilization.” He writes in his book, “We are close to a time when all of humankind will envision a global agenda that encompasses a kind of Global Marshall Plan, if you will, to address the causes of poverty and suffering and environmental destruction all over the earth.” Gore wants a vast array of new laws and expanded bureaucracies to preserve the earth’s ecological balance.
Al Gore makes it clear that he believes the threat to the environment is so severe that we need to resort to the kind of Draconian central planning that has failed so miserably in every place it has been tried: “Adopting a central organizing principle…means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution…to halt the destruction of the environment.” That is his solution. Let’s consolidate all of our legal, political, and governmental resources to launch our assault on Western civilization, capitalism, and our very way of life.
Al Gore’s well-meant manual for global salvation will only deepen our problems. Feminine or earth-centered spirituality may be “politically correct,” but it mocks Biblical Christianity and points to the path that has led people from truth to myth since the beginning of time. Al Gore’s lane on the “Bridge to the 21st. Century” leads back to where it started, seeking meaning in life and power for living in occult wisdom. This revival reaches far beyond deep ecology and contemporary paganism. We are not looking at a phenomenon limited to the Green Movement or radical Goddess worshipers. While languages and idols may differ, essentially the same deception permeates our Western world and links it to the pagan beliefs of the rest of the world.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. [Colossians 2:8-10]
Our cultural problem is separation from God, not from nature. While God told us to care for the earth, He warned us against pagan religions. Contrary to the revived myths now flooding the Western world, nature-worship brings violence and destruction, not peace and harmony to the land. Read Deuteronomy 8, 9, 18, and 28.
The environmentalists humanistic solutions and the homage they pay to “Nature” are attempts to escape accountability to the personal God who created them. In the place of God’s moral absolutes one can then boast of the “tolerance” which Gorbachev says is the cornerstone of the new world order. If we are not accountable to a personal God, but to “Nature,” which knows no morals, then we can broad-mindedly condone homosexuality, abortion, and all manner of immorality while at the same time priding ourselves that we are acting “responsibly toward the environment.”