Are You Afraid of Coronavirus?
The Power of Fear
The fear people have of what they don’t understand often manifests itself as distorting their ability to think and process information efficiently.
I personally know people that are so traumatized by this coronavirus hoax they have isolated themselves and family members in their homes. When they do venture from their homes they are donning masks even in the privacy of their automobile or outdoors completely away from other people. Children are prevented from visiting their parents and some grandparents are prevented from visiting their grandchildren because of the fear. Some have not been outside their home since March 2020. How sad… and how tragic.
“…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
When it came down to getting an experimental shot, many jostled for the front of the line while millions of others celebrated their jabs.
Those looking to take advantage of, and manipulate others, have long realized the power of fear. When one is gripped by fear of a threat – real or imagined – their rational and higher cognitive capacities shut down, making them easily manipulable by anyone that promises safety from the threat.
The results of fear-motivated government mandated lockdowns.
- Increased unemployment
- Small business closures
- Increased substance abuse
- Increase domestic violence, and
- Increased suicide.
A study in Science Advances journal noted that “as the rates of COVID-19 positive cases and deaths increased substantially across the United States, COVID-19–related acute stress and depressive symptoms increased over time in the United States.”
A CDC report from August found that in 2020 compared to 2019, adults’ symptoms of anxiety have tripled and symptoms of depression have quadrupled (24.3% versus 6.5%).
Compared to 2018, two different studies concluded that symptoms of depression and “serious psychological distress” are triple the level they were.
In fact, the rates of anxiety and depression have been higher throughout the pandemic than “after other large-scale traumas like September 11th, Hurricane Katrina and the Hong Kong unrest.” Ten percent of Americans surveyed in June said they had seriously considered suicide in the past 30 days.
Dr. Mark McDonald explains the pandemic of FEAR
Our young children especially are victims of this social isolation.
Despite the fact that children have the lowest risk associated with SARS CoV 2, for example, they are being deprived of the social interaction with other children in the closings of their schools. In contrast to influenza, the risk of disease and transmission in children is very low in the case of covid. There was and is therefore no medical reason for the closure of elementary schools or other measures specifically aimed at children.
The Academy of Pediatrics reported that, as of December 3rd, children accounted for slightly more than 0% of all COVID-19 cases, and even fewer deaths, about 0.11%, about 160 in total. There are still 15 states with zero reported child deaths. They don’t even catch it as often: They account for less than 2% of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases globally. Even here in America, the nation with the highest infection rates, that number is the same: 2%. And, when they do catch it, the overwhelming majority of them experience either no symptoms or mild symptoms.
Whenever someone is trying to scare you they are trying to control you.
What was originally presented in March 2020 as 15 days to flatten the curve has now become the new normal.
We were all told that this would just be a 15-day sacrifice and things would go right back to “normal” after we “flattened the curve.” Months, and now years later, “normal” feels further away than it ever has, especially if your business or employment has been put in jeopardy over and over again with these ineffective and tyrannical lockdowns.
Social distancing has become a common buzzword today. This is the fear strategy governments have used to justify lockdowns and the quarantining of healthy people. We’re falsely told these other bogeyman people can be asymptomatic carriers and we need to stay away from them.
We are being conditioned to fear other people and is what drives much of the isolation occurring in our society.
Restaurants are either closed or permitted only limited seating. Churches are closed. Sports and entertainment venues are closed – baseball games are played in empty stadiums or seeded with strategically placed mannequins and canned crowd sounds for TV audiences.
Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on COVID-19 Spread
Covid: The devastating toll of the pandemic on children
The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Everywhere around us, life has changed.
To what ends?
What is driving this madness?
Control and social engineering
The collectivist powers that shouldn’t be do NOT want us gathering together to talk about what’s going on. They don’t want us asking questions. They don’t want us coalescing into factions that might resist their nefarious agenda.
What they do want is compliance and conformity to the collective.
Fear and Social Control
It’s becoming abundantly clear the social engineers are using Covid to promote a national bio-metric ID system where you’ll need proper credentials to function at all in society?
You can’t travel outside the U.S. and even to some destinations in the U.S. unless you have subjected yourself to a faulty Covid test and provide proof you’ve tested negative. Airlines are now requiring all passengers to wear face masks and many private businesses are requiring face masks for their employees and customers. All this, despite the science saying masks do little to protect wearers, and only might prevent them from infecting other people. Those not wearing masks are shamed, belittled and accused of harming others.
Some are enforcing this nonsense in many places by a fine or arrest if you’re not wearing your face mask where you should be. New York Governor Cuomo went as far as attempting to shame citizens into wearing masks saying people who refuse to wear a face mask are being “disrespectful to the nurses, the doctors, the people who have been front-line workers” amid the coronavirus pandemic. Excuse me, Mr. Cuomo, but you are being disrespectful to the human race treating us all like children.
Like some futuristic science fiction movie, countries around the world have made masks compulsory in public. Many fearful people have taken this to the extreme and even wear a mask when alone in their car or outside without other people around.
This, despite there is no scientific evidence that cloth face masks are effective, and in fact in some cases does more harm to the wearer. And, if one mask is not enough… now they’re telling us wearing two masks is better. Doctor Scott Segal told NBC News that Americans should consider wearing FOUR face masks if they want the most effective protection against spreading COVID-19. What utter nonsense!
Despite the unnerving situation we find ourselves in, there is an antidote to the power of propaganda and fear mongering: that being, knowledge.
Plato rightly stated that “ignorance is the root of misfortune”, and as long as we remain ignorant of the fact that all too often those who claim to protect us from fear are actually manipulating our fears for their own benefit, then we will be contributing to the misfortune of the world through our ignorant compliance.
How many of us get our knowledge about the coronavirus pandemic from the daily newscast? Don’t allow yourself to just accept whatever you’re told. Do your own research. Examine your own thoughts. Don’t limit yourself to the parameters they set for what is acceptable to think or look into or to FEAR. It’s imperative that if you are going to acquire knowledge, you’ve got to shut off those mass media sources of propaganda. You’re being bombarded repeatedly with fearmongering designed to control you. Repetition is a well-known and prevalent propaganda technique used to solidify falsehoods and perpetuate fear in the public consciousness. By repeating specific phrases (flatten the curve) and warnings (infecting others), and displaying particular symbols and images (people wearing face masks) over and over through various mediums, those in power are able to paralyze entire populations with a fear psychosis.
The Covid Cult | Tom Woods
What is the real agenda of requiring everyone to wear masks?
In the article, Wear Your Face Mask And Savor Your CO2 Breath, Patrick Wood points to a peer reviewed paper on the National Institute of Health‘s website ( pointing in the right direction. The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction was written in 2016 by Dr. Shane Neilson, MD. He notes that “Wearing a mask reinforces fear” and that “This fear surfaces in public policy.” He concludes:
The problem of affect in political terms is a contagious one: fear spreads among the public, leading to intensification of risk management.
Thus, the government’s goal to encourage the universal use of facial masks is to reinforce fear so that their own risk management programs can be intensified. As some have pointed out, masking is a test of compliance. As these technocrats ramp up their fear-porn, they are able to gauge the effectiveness of their propaganda by the widespread acceptance of mask wearing. When they reach certain levels of compliance, they will certainly step up and claim victory over the Chinese coronavirus.
Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is the endgame of the global elite who want control over all resources on earth, including people. The Covid-19 pandemic, or what Patrick Woods calls the “Great Panic of 2020” has been weaponized to create the biggest economic coup in the history of the world. When Technocracy prevails, elected politicians of all stripes will be summarily dismissed and engineers and scientists will run the world directly. For citizens, this is the essence of scientific dictatorship: there is no need for representative government because systems will be run autonomously via algorithm. This is demonstrated in the coronavirus plandemic by governments everywhere dictating public policy based on data. How many times have you heard them say, “we’re going to follow the data.”
In order for them to have the data to follow, they must also have a system of surveillance, data capture, and vast data bases to compile that intelligence. For them to achieve the outcomes they want, they need a system of tracking, tracing, and identifying their datasets. That’s YOU, my friend – you’ve been reduced to a point of data and will be labeled as such by these technocratic fascists. Already we’re seeing the requirement to “show your papers” and prove you’ve tested negative for the coronavirus before traveling. The next step will be something like the social credit score or identity card like CommonPass, proving you’ve been vaccinated before being allowed access to public transportation, public buildings, public schools, entertainment facilities, and more.
The coronavirus plandemic was just what the techno-fascist social engineers wanted to advance their surveillance state. With people isolated in their homes, sitting in front of their computers – they are now data-mining terabytes of information about all of us. Take for example, the health care industry. No longer are you having private conversations with your doctor in their office, but are sharing all that confidential health information over tele-health systems that feed into AI driven systems compiling, analyzing, and predicting outcomes.
Corona Cult
The threat of killing capitalism and free enterprise is very real. Individualism and personal sovereignty is being stripped away, replaced with the collective and “global citizen”.
How much more are we going to allow this overturning of our liberties to go? At what point will we accept the destruction of our Constitutional Republic as we’ve known for over 200 years? Where do you draw your line in the sand?