Dispensationalists teach at the end of a future Tribulation period all the armies of the nations of the world will be gathered together in the valley of Armageddon just north of Jerusalem.
It will start with little wars and grow and grow until there will be a great climax “Armageddon.” The armies will be there to destroy Israel but Jesus Christ shall destroy all of these armies at His Coming. (Isa. 13:1-18).
The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name. – Zech 14:9
Already we see the armies gathering in that vicinity as we see the stage being apparently set for this great slaughter. The Islamic enemies of Israel are surrounding her and threatening to push her into the sea. We’re witnessing many little wars in the area and we’re possibly at the tipping point for a larger war. As more of the nations of the world position themselves on one side or the other, when Armageddon breaks out, it will involve all the world.
The Lord has said He will destroy everything on earth, but He also says there will be a new earth. And, His chosen people have been promised residence there.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. – Matt 5:5