You are NOW being Prepared (groomed) for the New World Order
A New World Order has been a long time in the making, its pieces fitting into place from divergent realms and with many different players.
The Globalists’ agenda is a diabolical program which, through patient gradualism, is slowly draining the spiritual, moral, economic and political life blood from the worlds population.
We have already demonstrated our willingness to accept devices to electronically tag or track individuals.
- It has become quite commonplace, for example, for law enforcement agencies to require individuals to wear electronic bracelets in order to monitor their activities.
- The traveling public have accepted the notion of abandoning their Constitutional rights at the airport and be subjected to intrusive bodily searches in exchange for perceived safety. Amazingly, in a poll conducted by CBS News in Nov. 2010, 81 percent of Americans support the TSA’s use of naked body scanners at airports.
- You now cannot open a bank account or conduct many other commercial transactions without providing government approved identity documents.
If Americans continue to allow our government to violate their Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizures and be humiliated with naked body scans and enhanced pat downs in order to travel, what else will governments be permitted to do?
The New World Order IS NOT New
The first attempt to establish a New World Order was by a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, who came to the land of Shinar and built the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).
Later, Satan tempted even Jesus, promising Him world dominion as His reward (Matthew 4:1-11). This same promise has been given to scores of other men over the ages. History tells of many who have accepted the Great Deceiver’s terms.
What Every Christian Should Know about the New World Order
Today, world leaders are excited at the prospects for peace and there has been much talk about entering a “new era” and about the establishment of a “New World Order.”
Adolph Hitler said during World War II, “National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order.” While Nazi Germany was destroyed for its hubris, the Nazi ideals of a new world order continue to this day and Hitler’s philosophies are embraced by modern day world leaders. Take a look around you, listen to the rhetoric… today’s modern society is repeating the past and reconstituting much of the Nazi philosophies into more acceptable terms.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
Just as Adolph Hitler used terror tactics to subdue his competitors, governments today still use those same tactics to dominate their rivals. Just as Hitler’s masterful use of propaganda lulled a population into accepting his draconian agenda, populations today are being tranquilized into the same kind of mindless submission to authority. And Hitler’s Malthusian eugenics policy of a master race is unmistakable still in today’s genetics based transhumanism. Millions of people across the globe have been convinced their ability to live a normal life includes being inoculated with experimental biologic agents that will forever change their DNA.
Mikhail Gorbachev was the first modern world leader to come out publicly with talk of a “new world order,” and he did so nearly two years before George Bush caught the vision. In his historic address to the United Nations on December 7, 1988, the Soviet Prime Minister made this dogmatic and even prophetic statement: “Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order.”
George Bush proved to be a good and faithful servant of the “brotherhood“ in making the “New World Order” agenda a priority focus of his administration.
Just before leaving for Helsinki, Finland, early in September 1990 to discuss the Persian Gulf crisis at his summit meeting with Soviet President Gorbachev, President George Bush expressed the hope that “the foundation for the new world order would be laid in Helsinki” and that it would be established under the United Nations.
New World Order
At the news conference with Gorbachev following their historic meeting, President Bush declared optimistically: “If the nations of the world, acting together, continue as they have been we will set in place the cornerstone of an international order more peaceful than any that we have known.”
“Halfway around the world, we are engaged in a great struggle in the skies and on the seas and sands. We know why we’re there: We are Americans, part of something larger than ourselves. For two centuries, we’ve done the hard work of freedom. And tonight, we lead the world in facing down a threat to decency and humanity. What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.” [George Bush, Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union, January 29, 1991]
There it is! The peace and security plea. That’s how they make it sound reasonable to give up your liberty as they tighten the noose around our collective necks.
The New World Order was next established as a legitimate national agenda in 1993 by a socialist Democrat, Bill Clinton.
Both George Bush and Bill Clinton were beholding to the same secret orders, codes and financiers, and as a result, probably engineered the change of Presidents by manipulating the American people to pull the plug on Bush. George Bush may have actually been running a campaign to LOSE the presidency.
Globalists welcomed this as democracy’s finest hour – through manipulation, the democratic system installed a socialist, new age, one-world leader with the charismatic appeal of John F. Kennedy to do their bidding! Few Americans now understand that, what was long planned and covertly implemented, is well on its way to fruition.
During Clinton’s reign, New World Order Socialists publicly came out of the closet in the U.S. House of Representatives. The powerful and popular lobby called the Progressive Caucus now began openly espousing the principles of socialism and publicly signed onto the agenda of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Masterfully using the Hegelian Dialectic, Bill Clinton’s favorite answer to all questions was government. Got a problem? Bill Clinton’s new government program can fix it. Lost your job? Sign up for an employee retraining program. Feeling a little under the weather? A visit to your regional health alliance will shape you up. Having difficulty raising your children? Join our village because “It takes more than a family to raise children.”
Bill and Hillary were introducing Americans to the 21st Century “Brave New World” described by Aldous Huxley in 1932 where humanity lives in a carefree, healthy, and technologically advanced society ruled by what President Eisenhower described as a “scientific technological elite”.
Scientific Technological Elite
We were introduced to some of those “scientific technological elite” by President Trump during the Covid-19 pandemic. Americans were subjected to a daily white house briefing of the Coronavirus Task Force with regular appearances of Dr. Anthony Fauchi and Dr. Deborah Birx. Both are highly respected by and have long ties to the globalist Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Health Organization (WHO). They boasted of their “models” showing massive death throughout the world, scaring nations to close their borders and enforcing “social distancing” measures.
The mainstream media eagerly spread their fear propaganda as millions of Americans voluntarily isolated themselves and relinquished their First Amendment Constitutional right to assemble together. Pastors have been arrested, for example, for holding a church service in defiance of a local order that limited gatherings.
What was originally sold as “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” has turned into “show your papers” if you want to work and other insane mayhem. As their models subsequently showed their inaccuracy, the globalist elites doubled down. Instead of millions dying, as they projected, it was because of the success of social distancing that limited the earlier models of enormous death projections. Meanwhile, people were dying. They simply would not admit their flawed scientific models were wrong.
Then, they dug even deeper in their cadre of scientific elite to develop a so-called “vaccine.” Millions lined up to be guinea pigs in their giant experiment in developing DNA altering substances. Again, with a steady flow of misinformation about it being “safe and effective.” It is neither safe or effective. It has not been adequately tested and we don’t know what its long term effects might be.
Bread and Circuses
Warfare and poverty are to be eliminated in their “village” and everyone is permanently happy due to government-provided bread and circuses.
Clinton advanced the more hedonistic society, deriving pleasure from promiscuous sex and drug use, what Huxley called soma – a powerful psychotropic rationed by the government that is taken to escape pain and bad memories through hallucinatory fantasies, referred to as “Holidays”. Millions of people drank the kool-aid and replaced their rational thinking for an inverted reality of illusion.
The mass media stepped up its game to provide the circus through it’s never ending flood of “entertainment” and “fake news” programming designed to distract viewers from what’s really important. Many people will actually admit they voluntarily consume this programming in order to escape their daily reality.
At the end of the day, all this bread and circus programming is eliminating many things that we consider to be central to our identity – family, culture, art, literature, science, religion, and philosophy.
“We are redefining in practical terms the immutable ideals that have guided us from the beginning.” – President Bill Clinton
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” – Psalm 2:1-3
Adam Wisehophf, founder of The Order of the Illumination, designed the very plan of world domination that is still in use today to enslave the world’s masses. Upon establishing his “Order of the Illuminati”, he smugly reflects on his “conning” the gullible Christians of his day, saying: “The most wonderful thing of all is that the distinguished Lutheran and Calvinist theologians who belong to our order really believe that they see in it (Illuminati) the true and genuine sense of Christian Religion. Oh mortal man, is there anything you cannot be made to believe?”
Today, a high percentage of Christians are still being conned in the same way. One prime example of this are the millions of Christians, and most church denominations, who have fallen for the NWO plan of a “One World Religion“, being spearheaded by the United Nations and World Counsel of Churches, behind the battle cry of ecumenicalism. Then, there are the over 11 million Americans, many of whom are Christian, that have succumbed to the illusion of a magic vaccine to protect them from an invisible enemy.
I believe we stand today at the precipice of the new world order, if we’re not already fully consumed by it. As Christians, we must recognize and accept responsibility for our sins, repent, and turn from our wicked ways. We must stand up, resist, and say “no more.” If allowed to continue, this new world order will cover the world in darkness.
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Good work! It is about time someone speaks out about these issues. I have really enjoyed this site. Keep it going!
Wow! You’ve got a fantastically fabulous page(s) with lots of great articles! These are the ones I have been looking for so long! Keep up the great work!