The Deteriorating American Educational System
Our schools are another consciously constructed battleground in the war over which values our society will embrace as a standard or whether we will hold to any values or standards at all.
Those behind the deteriorating education system are the same industrial robber barons and financial giants of the early 20th century, including Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Morgan. Their agenda has been promoted by the politicians under their influence, including Woodrow Wilson, who, years before coming into office as President of the United States, delivered a lecture on “The Meaning of a Liberal Education” where he stated:
“We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”
Public education was originally a product of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformers recognized that if their movement was to survive and flourish, widespread Biblical literacy, at all levels of society, was absolutely necessary. The Puritans brought this commitment to Biblical literacy with them across the Atlantic.
The first law mandating public education in America was passed in 1647 in the Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut colonies. It was called The Old Deluder Satan Act because it began with these words: “It being the one chief project of that old deluder Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures…” Common schools were established to thwart Satan’s success.
Traditional forms of instruction in America once had three specific purposes:
- To make good people
- To make good citizens
- And to make each student find some particular talents to develop to the maximum.Slowly but continuously after 1890, a different purpose, a “fourth” purpose, began to emerge that squeezed the traditional three to the margins of schooling.
- The fourth purpose of school in America was to create an obedient servant class of corporate and political management.
Another Brick in the Wall
Collectivists have long recognized that the way to alter the course of a nation is to gain control of the classroom, and use it as a platform to indoctrinate later generations. Over the past century the public school arena has become an impersonal place where children are only viewed as “human resources” to be molded and shaped into something called “the workplace”. The technocratic elite have been collecting data on children – from pre-school to college and beyond – while they design programs to prepare students for the workforce, rather than providing a liberal arts education. They don’t want children growing to adults that can think for themselves, rather they want a compliant population that is told what to think.
To further alienate and control our children, collectivists used the Covid 19 scamdemic to deny children the social and learning benefits of attending classrooms with other children. Launched in 2019, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and UNICEF the UN Children’s Educational Fund created a project called GIGA. The goal is to get every school in the world to do online classes. The term for this is Direct Instruction—nothing comes between the child and the computer. It makes standardized indoctrination easy. GIGA, the children’s universal connectivity project, has digitalized more in 10 weeks of Covid than in the last 10 years. For this they need 5G.
In order to effectively indoctrinate students and create the standardized customer and employee needed by global big business, the first thing that had to be de-emphasized was “critical thinking.”
Thus, instead of being taught how to learn (classical liberal arts education), our educational system teaches what to learn (outcomes based learning). And, that “what” is defined by corporations who want compliant standardized workers and predictable gullible consumers of worthless junk. We are expected to accept whatever they tell us instead of thinking for ourselves.
The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Pyramid of Power Ep. 1 – Big Education
Progressives cannot keep their hands off our children — or, more correctly, the billions of tax dollars our children generate for them. Gross signs of public school deterioration is clearly seen around us, and despite this knowledge by leftist academia, still they refuse to admit that our schools are being destroyed by their own hands.
The inclusion of Christian principles in public education faded gradually over the years to to efforts of secular and religious liberals to remove Christ from the classroom. In 1962 the U.S. Supreme Court rejected 200 years of legal precedence and banned prayer from schools.
With Christianity forced from schools, Secular Humanism became the established religion of public education. The impact on curriculum was immediate and overwhelming Schools once again became places of intense religious indoctrination. But this religion was committed to the destruction of Christian influence.
After over 100 years of forced schooling in the USSA, literacy rates have dropped, families are fragmented, learning “disabilities” are skyrocketing, and youth are increasingly disaffected. Thirty years of teaching in the government indoctrination camps led John Taylor Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory state schooling is to blame, accomplishing little but to teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine.
The Scientific Destruction of Minds
Over the past 30 some years, the health of public education in America has been deteriorating. The viruses attacking the system include tenure policies that make it almost impossible to get rid of mediocre teachers; bureaucracies that are administratively top-heavy; school boards constituted of wannabe politicians who want to be reelected (and are therefore reluctant to rock the boat); an increasing emphasis on social-engineering experiments at the expense of academics, the introduction – and subsequent failure – of one educational “reform” after another, thus transforming public schools into laboratories and children into guinea pigs; the institutionalized pampering of undisciplined students; and a pseudo-educations rhetoric created from the whole cloth of “self-esteem.” Much of which is financial through taxes and tax-exempt Foundations.
Social Engineering 101
Charlotte Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans.
Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.
Outcome Based Education
A cornerstone concept of the Humanist approach is the teaching of situational ethics. This concept is taught under deceptive labels like “values clarification,” “critical thinking,” “problem-solving skills,” and “decision-making skills.” From kindergarten through graduation, children are taught a “process” to examine values – free from parental guidance and religious teachings.
While claiming to teach independent thinking, in reality thinking skills development is done in groups with decisions determined by what would be best for the group as a whole. Compromise or consensus building is the goal. The programs drive a wedge between parent and child while elevating the importance of peer opinion.
Bill Clinton signed the Goals 2000 law on March 31, 1994, creating new education bureaucracies and facilitating federal control of local education institutions.
- Outcome based education.
- No competition allowed. Too harmful to kids psyches.
- Children not graded on academic achievement, but on effort.
- Peer pressure used to keep individualism out of the classroom
- Children are being taught there are no absolutes, that fact is nothing more than someone’s opinion.
- Families being coerced into divulging personal family data under penalty of being uncooperative with the school.
- More and more underminine of parental authority… abortions-okay… body piercing-okay. When teachers discover parents have punished a child they are reported to child protective agencies or the police.
Americans Go To War for Their Schools
In contrast to this government run educational bureaucracy, Republicans claim they want to return control to parents, teachers, local school boards and, through them, to communities and local taxpayers. In 2002 President George W. Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which essentially de-authorized and de-funded Goals 2000. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. To receive federal school funding, states must give these state-wide standardized tests to all students at select grade levels. This means that all students take the same test under the same conditions.
What they really want is to turn over control of the educational bureaucracy to corporate technocrats. When they’re preparing students for the workforce, what they’re trying to do is match human capital assets – our skill-sets, our personality traits, our knowledge competencies – to specific job descriptions in a Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Consider the work of Nobel Prize winning American economist, James Heckman, whose recent research focuses on inequality, human development and lifecycle skill formation, with a special emphasis on the economics of early childhood education. He talks about the return on investment that impact investors will receive. When you deliver an impact intervention to a pre-schooler, you’ll have a great impact and greater return on investment. They want to start with young children, especially low income minority at-risk children and align their skills to train them right.
James Heckman and Robert Dugger, with support from philanthropies like the Pew Charitable Trusts and venture capitalists like JB Pritzker, have carefully honed a sales pitch for investment in early childhood education. After years of practice, it is now a well-oiled machine. The Heckman Equation promises high rates of return to investors willing to swallow the repugnant premise that through “evidence-based” programs, the character traits of at-risk toddlers will be “fixed.” An example of this impact investment are surveillance play tables. While presented as a way parents can watch as their children play, what they’re also doing is data harvesting behavioral traits of children to see which ones don’t play or don’t share – all of which becomes part of that child’s permanent record, their personality blockchain.
Common Core
The next logical step in their agenda is the full-scale implementation of Common Core. Its rote memorization and endless standardized testing molds students into the technocratic ideal of an automaton ideal for the 21st Century automated job-force.
The introduction of biosensors and other educational technology devices in the classroom and at home (or any web based education platform) monitor students’ behavior and compliance and unquestioning obedience to authority that is inherent in the classroom dynamic. Children are arbitrarily grouped into categories by age and the prolongation of childhood well into adulthood. They are being trained for the workforce implicit in the segregation of tasks into arbitrary work periods and the Pavlovian conditioning of the bell.
Children’s progress and human behavior patterns are tracked and cataloged from early childhood through college and that data is stored in vast databases available to giant edtech corporations to build “human capital profiles” that tell the algorithms what jobs one should go to. Students are increasingly discouraged from pursuing the career of their choice in favor of an appropriate field based on the data. The potential for scaleable individualized learning has played an important role in grooming these kids for the future envisioned by the technocratic elite.
Common Core appeared to be a promising way for the federal government to supply a framework to improve the nation’s schools. But the Constitution leaves education to the states and localities and denies the federal government any authority to impose what it wants to be taught in the nation’s schools. To surmount this obstacle, the federal government used significant federal funding to entice states to adopt Common Core. Nevertheless, within a few years it became clear that students in states that “voluntarily”adopted Common Core suffered significantly lower academic performance and fewer marketable skills than comparable cohorts of students who had been educated outside the Common Core regime. This system of micromanaged “standards” proved to be a recipe for bureaucratic control and sterile conformity instead of a pathway towards better instruction. We learned from the failed Common Core experiment that one-size-fits-all national models are a blueprint for trivializing and mechanizing learning. [The 1776 Report]
Donald Trump promised to end Common Core. His vision of a great project of national renewal depends upon true education—not merely training in particular skills, but the formation of citizens. To remain a free people, we must have the knowledge, strength, and virtue of a free people. From families and schools to popular culture and public policy, we must teach our founding principles and the character necessary to live out those principles.
President Trump’s President’s Advisory 1776 Commission wrote in The 1776 Report…
The primary duty of schools is to teach students the basic skills needed to function in society, such as reading, writing, and mathematics. Our founders also recognized a second and essential task: educators must convey a sense of enlightened patriotism that equips each generation with a knowledge of America’s founding principles, a deep reverence for their liberties, and a profound love of their country.
Make no mistake: The love we are talking about is something different from romantic or familial love, something that cannot be imposed by teachers or schools or government edicts, least of all in a free country. Like any love worthy of the name, it must be embraced freely and be strong and unsentimental enough to coexist with the elements of disappointment, criticism, dissent, opposition, and even shame that come with moral maturity and open eyes. But it is love all the same, and without the deep foundation it supplies, our republic will perish.
State and local governments—not the federal government—are responsible for adopting curricula that teach children the principles that unite, inspire, and ennoble all Americans. This includes lessons on the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitutional Convention. Educators should teach an accurate history of how the permanent principles of America’s founding have been challenged and preserved since 1776. By studying America’s true heritage, students learn to embrace and preserve the triumphs of their forefathers while identifying and avoiding their mistakes.States and school districts should reject any curriculum that promotes one-sided partisan opinions, activist propaganda, or factional ideologies that demean America’s heritage, dishonor our heroes, or deny our principles. Any time teachers or administrators promote political agendas in the classroom, they abuse their platform and dishonor every family who trusts them with their children’s education and moral development.
“Law and liberty cannot rationally become the object of our love,” wrote founding father James Wilson, “unless they first become the objects of our knowledge.” Students who are taught to understand America’s exceptional principles and America’s powerful history grow into strong citizens who respect the rule of law and protect the country they know and love.
One of the first actions taken by President Biden was to reject The 1776 Report and derail this renewal, returning America to the path of dumbing down and indoctrinating our students in the collective.
Opposing school-choice initiatives
At the center of all that afflicts our schools is a denial by Collectivists of free choice and their opposition of any legislation that would give parents greater opportunity to choose private over government education for their children. Democrats resort to false charges about the Republican record on education because they have no new ideas about how to improve our children’s schools. Even if they did, they wouldn’t dare say so for fear of angering one of their Party’s largest contributors — the National Education Association (NEA). Bill Clinton said it best himself: “I won’t [make] any education decisions that you’re not a part of making. I won’t forget the people that brought me to the White House” (Bill Clinton, NEA PAC meeting, 12/12/91).
Progressives are not committed to education, but rather are committed to more government spending on more collectivist programs with more control of education being vested in the federal government. Quite simply, the Democrats in Congress do not want you to have choices in your children’s’ education.
School choice is not only popular among parents, it is successful in providing children a better education
- According to a Gallup poll conducted May 1996, nearly half of parents with children in public schools think government should provide funds for students to attend private school.
- Cleveland, Ohio’s program to allow children from lower-income homes to attend private, religious schools through state vouchers worth $2,250 a year exceeded expectations. More than 6,000 families applied for only 2,000 available vouchers, and one mother said the program came none too soon for her child: “The situation in the public schools is so scary sometimes, I really don’t have the trust to send my baby there. But I didn’t know what else to do until this idea.” (The Washington Post, 9/10/96)
- A study conducted by Harvard University and the University of Houston found students participating in a Milwaukee, Wisconsin school choice program scored 12 percent higher in math skills and 5 percent higher in reading skills than similar children attending the city’s public schools (NBC Nightly News, 9/3/96).
Democrats pretty consistently support keeping federal control via U.S. Department of Education and are strong defenders of the NEA and teacher’s unions who are controlling and narrow special interest groups. These socialist groups want more kids in public schools as they sees public schools as vital to creating “the village of America.” Why do you suppose they would take such a position? The answer is money for campaigns.
- The more kids there are in public schools, the more teachers who will be in public schools.
- The more teachers there are the more money the teachers union gets. The higher their wages, the more the union gets.
- The more immigrant children there are… the more higher paid bilingual teachers there are… more money goes to unions.
- The more money the unions get, the more money goes into the Democratic election funds.
More than a decade ago, Dr. George Roche foresaw what loomed on the horizon in the area of education, but so far his warnings have likewise been ignored. In 1985 he wrote: “I have become increasingly more convinced that federal efforts to intervene in the workings of the nation’s school systems are ill-advised, wasteful, and counter-productive…[they are] part of the problems plaguing America’s educational systems, rather than part of the solution. The federal education bureaucracy…has become the captive of misguided and misinformed “educationists” who have sacrificed traditional instruction in the “three R’s” and respect for Western cultural heritage in favor of pop-psychology and behavior modification as the goals of schooling… Increasingly over the last few decades, the education bureaucracy has come to believe that they, not parents, know best how to educate America’s children. They have come to see themselves as “change agents” whose mission is to reform outmoded notions children have picked up from their parents and substitute instead a new system of values…And this questionable enterprise has been fostered and financed by the federal education establishment.”
Today, a godless education system that promotes homosexuality, condom distribution, abortion rights, evolution, and an anti-American perspective – while outlawing any mention of God – is taking charge of our children’s “character development.”
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