Biometrics and Facial Recognition Technologies
Following the events of 9/11, Americans and indeed citizens worldwide have been subjected to a growing surveillance state that attempts to monitor all their activities and to identify WHO might be a threat to their new world order control grid. With the outbreak of the Covid-19 plandemic, the new world order has expanded their surveillance state to include biometrics.
These newer technologies are being sold to the public as being more secure, less prone to fraud, and adding convenience to your life. While that may be true, it is also true it provides a more robust and secure method of identifying and tracking people.
Governments and large corporations are now introducing systems to identify individuals using biometric data as opposed to traditional card forms of identification. Providing Biometric data including face scans, fingerprint scans, temperature scans, iris scans, thermograms, DNA samples, etc. is being required by government and private venues more and more.
To obtain a driver’s license in many places, you must submit to a thumb scan. If you refuse, you will not be issued a license, your right to travel will be severely limited, and you will lack a common form of personal identification. In California, a thumb scan is required to obtain a real estate/mortgage broker’s license or purchase ammunition.
The World Economic Forum suggests identifying people by the unique pattern of your heartbeat. Developed by the Pentagon and NASA, ‘cardio ID’ devices can detect an individual’s unique cardiac signature using an infrared laser. The technology is already available for licensing, and security is only one possible use. Another application could be identifying opted-in shoppers as they enter a store, for example, to personalize their visit.
Read World Economic Forum articles about biometrics and its applications
Facial Recognition
Facial recognition cameras are being deployed everywhere capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image by analyzing patterns based on the person’s facial textures and shape. This technology is central to the Chinese social credit score system and has been successfully used in America to identify many of the protesters involved in the Jan. 6, 2021 Washington DC protests. Expect them to become even more commonplace in the coming years as they are used to monitor and control your movements – in the name of stopping the spread of a virus or other manufactured crisis.
Thermogram’s are a type of imagery that translates a person’s heat-emitting facial features into an infrared image. Registering the various heat peaks and valleys in surface, the thermogram looks like a colorful, face-shaped topographic map. Like a fingerprint, each person’s face creates a unique thermal pattern. Captured by a special infrared camera, the image can be digitized and stored in a computer. Later, the person is rephotographed and the new thermal image is electronically compared with the old. [“Smile, You’re on Thermogram,” ID Systems, August 1995.]
Iris recognition technology identifies people by analyzing the unique pattern in the iris of the human eye. The iris is the colored ring of tissue that surrounds the pupil of the eye and is a complex combination of patterns that can be recorded and stored by the computer. The iris-recognition product captures a photographic image of the iris, analyzes its unique visual structure, and then compares it to previously stored Iriscodes for authentication of identity. [“Security for Your Eyes Only,” Byte, May 1998.]
Imagine this technology being in place providing access control to public facilities and point-of-sale control. It’s already in place at some bank ATMs. At least 1.5 billion persons around the world have been enrolled in iris recognition systems for national ID, e-government services, benefits distribution, security, and convenience purposes such as passport-free automated border-crossings.