Gun Control Myths Busted
Gun control has been under discussion for so long and the discussion has been so severe that it has its own set of myths now. These myths are like any other widely discussed topic that has its own league of myths, which do not have any logical explanation behind it. People choose to believe in these myths as a matter of choice. They do not look at facts and figures which can prove very easily that all these myths are purely a work of fantasy. When tongues wag, there is no stopping them. So let us take a look at some of the most absurd myths about gun control.
Gun Control Reduces Crime
This is probably the one that you have heard the most. Gun control is in no way linked to the crime that occurs in the country. Crime is related to a lot of other factors like poverty, lack of opportunities, social and economic factors, rejection, racial violence, inter group violence etc. If curbing down on the availability and usage of guns could curb crime then the states with the most stringent laws like New York wouldn’t have a homicide rate of 14.2 per 1,00000 whereas a state where guns are freely available like Maine has a rate as low as 1.2 per 1,00000.
Gun Control Reduces Suicide
This one takes the cream. How can curbing the availability of guns curb someone’s desire to commit suicide? If a person wishes to kill himself, he has the whole world of ideas. There are several ways to kill one self. Hanging, leaping off a tall building, poisoning etc are all one of the ways. Curbing on guns or imposing gun control laws are not going to reduce suicide rates in the country.
Guns Are Only Used To Kill
Wrong! They are used effectively by more than half the population of the country to protect their families and defend themselves. Statistics show that there are 65 lives protected per life lost using guns. If that is an indication of how effective guns are, then you need to rethink about gun control.
Accidental Deaths
The overall figures of accidental deaths involving guns have gone down in the last few years. According to official figures only about 200 deaths occur annually from accidents involving guns. So if you hear someone screaming at the top of his lungs that there are more than thousands of people who are killed by accident with loaded guns then it is probably for political mileage or some personal advantage.
So the best thing to do would be to stop believing in myths and look at some facts instead. You will be a wiser and more informed man than ever before. Let us introduce myth control before gun control.