Another Terrorist Attack
UHP (Utah Highway Patrol) tasers this man in front of pregnant wife and baby over an alleged speeding ticket. The Utah UHP Office ruled that Officer Gardner acted “reasonably”. What a joke.
Office Gardner keeps repeating the victim should have followed his instructions. Sadly, overzealous cops have been given tools that enable them to terrorize Americans when they do not obey or cooperate (even when you are innocent of wrongdoing or do not understand what is going on). If you do not comply with law enforcement officers (it doesn’t matter if you are guilty of a crime or if there is a problem of mistaken identity, etc.), and if you resist arrest and obstruct justice (in the minds of the law), then you will be punished by handcuffing, jail time, fines, a criminal record, and now even the deadly TASER!
I suppose the time has come that when a citizen is told to do something by the police, they have several options… do it, be punished for it, or resist. Perhaps the terrorized wife should have resisted by throwing that Jeep into reverse and pinning that pig against his patrol car the moment he pulled his taser out.
This is not an isolated incident. Numerous examples have been documented where police have overstepped the bounds of civility and meted out harsh and unjust treatment to innocent people. In Madison, Wisconsin, police tasered a man after mistaking him for somebody else.
On September 17, 2007 at a speech given by John Kerry at the University of Florida, University of Florida student Andrew Meyer is Tasered and arrested after asking Senator John Kerry about voter suppression and if he was a member of the Skull and Bones society.
Handcuffed suspect being tasered by officer in holding cell (LiveLeak video (1:29 mins.)
Police use ‘Stun Gun’ on suspect while booking him at police station (LiveLeak video 5:35 mins.)
A Village of Sheffield, Ohio police officer has been fired, for using his taser gun on a woman in custody. (LiveLeak video :31 mins.)
Complaints on cops up 23%
STAT: Stop Taser Abuse Today (Learn—Report—Act)