First Amendment Used to Protect Criminals
One purpose of the First Amendment was to protect the right of all citizens to freely speak their mind.
Today, we see the First Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution being chipped away at by liberals and socialists in our society. They don’t want you to know the truth … unless it’s “their truth.”
On November 16, 2004, the U.S. Government sued Bill Benson to obtain an injunction to prohibit him from telling people that the 16th Amendment was not in fact ratified. Rather than deciding upon the facts of the case, the court instead refused to allow Bill to present facts of the case, thus nullifying his First Amendment right to free speech and Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment right to the due process of law.
The court struck all of Bill’s facts from the record as irrelevant, and failed to address any of his other questions. On January 10, 2008, the court granted the government’s requested injunction.
To ensure the silence of Americans, the argument that the Sixteenth Amendment was not ratified, and variations of this argument, have been officially identified as legally frivolous Federal tax return positions for purposes of the $5,000 frivolous tax return penalty imposed under Internal Revenue Code section 6702(a).
As of now, then, the government may prosecute you for lying and prevent you from presenting a defense. As of now, speaking about a political question is against the law. As of now, there is no due process of law. As of now, there is no First Amendment right to speak or to petition the government for redress of grievance. As of now, the words of the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison are like the words of the United States Constitution; mere words that have no meaning.
Exposing Corporate America
Officially titled; 20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline, Vancouver documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with a Wall Street whislteblower which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political “watch-dogs”; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars… through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have been exposed years earlier… but weren’t.
Or, we’re told millions of Americans are losing their homes to foreclosure because they secured loans they could not afford to repay, so-called subprime mortgages. What we’re not told about is how those banks that issued those loans repackaged them and sold them to larger investment banks such as Bear Stearns who leveraged that collateral to make bad investments in the unregulated credit derivatives market where they lost their shirts. We’re not told how the Federal Reserve stepped in to cover Bear Stearns’ bad investments with Billions of dollars paid for by the American taxpayer – many of whom were losing their homes in the scandal.
Bear Stearns and the Domino Effect
American investigative journalist and Project PM founder, Barrett Brown, was arrested on September 12, 2012, facing an assortment of seventeen charges filed in three indictments that include posting a link to stolen data that was already in the public domain, as a way of exposing corporate wrongdoing in the 2012 Stratfor email leak. A federal court issued a gag order not allowing Brown to discuss his case, thus constituting an unfounded and unwarranted breach of Brown’s First Amendment rights.
My Post Cyberpunk Indentured Servitude
Wealthy people will always seek to influence politicians, because government unfortunately plays a very big role in determining who gets (and stays) rich in our country. They manipulate public opinion to elect government officials and garner support for unconstitutional laws. These laws are pushed and proposed by evil men whose only desire it is to undermine our liberty and freedom and wish to implement a socialist one-world plan. As a result, our federal government has become a taxing, spending, and regulating leviathan that controls every part of the economy.
Having rejected the notion of limited, constitutional government, we can hardly be surprised when corporate special interests use corrupting campaign money to influence the process! As long as we allow these special interests financial access to the government, we will continue to see their interests protected and the truth denied to the American public. We need to get money out of government; only then will money not be important in politics. Big government and big campaign money go hand-in-hand.
In 1996 Monsanto was able to censor the Fox News organization (WTVT/Fox 13 in Tampa, Florida) from reporting on the harmful effects of BGH (bovine growth hormone) on humans. The report was canceled, and the investigative reporters were fired, after Fox received threatening letters from Monsanto’s attorney promising “dire consequences” if the series aired. In 2003, an appeals court reversed an earlier unanimous Florida court decision that determined that Fox “acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the plaintiffs’ new reporting on BGH.” The appeals court decision was on the basis that FCC policies on news agencies reporting the truth did not legally require the station to report the truth in a news story, as FCC policies are not law. Read that previous sentence again! The court ruled…
News agencies are NOT required to report the TRUTH in a news story.
That ruling should send chills down your spine!
Monsanto’s product, Posilac, is illegal in virtually every developed country with the exception of the United States and is hidden in much of the milk sold. Furthermore, Monsanto will spend whatever money it takes and exert its immense political influence to keep the facts from the public.
Jeffrey M. Smith’s film, Your Milk on Drugs – Just Say No, includes footage from the four-part news series prepared for the Tampa-based Fox TV station WTVT, originally scheduled to air in 1997. The film, which was produced by the Institute for Responsible Technology, is available for free on their website, and is part of the bonus material in the US DVD release of the acclaimed feature-length documentary, The World According to Monsanto.
More Corporate Censorship
Robert Lane is learning the price of exposing the dark secrets of corporate America. He posted on his web site,, documents about forthcoming Ford automobiles. The problem was the documents were not just outlining features of future products, but rather were detailing safety problems with the automobiles. The documents were obtained from Ford employees who wanted the truth about certain Ford products to be revealed, according to Lane.
Lane was accused of inappropriate use of the Ford logo and internal company documents and was sued by the Big Three auto makers. “The arguments Ford made today are that these were internal documents… and as a matter of law should not be published,” said Ford spokesman Jim Cain. “It’s not the fact that he was writing about Ford secrets, per se,” Cain said. “We want him to stop breaking the law.”
There seems to me to be a double standard here. Had the documents been from politically incorrect tobacco companies, Lane would be heralded a “hero” for bringing to the publics attention important information about public health. But, since the automobile industry is not currently on the governments “hit list” of politically incorrectness, Lane was branded a criminal.
Within days, Lane had been partially disarmed… the web site was disabled. So much for your right to know.
“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason.