Another “Crisis” in America
To help complacent Americans accept the collectivist New World Order intrusions into their private lives, government and corporate propagandists are busy instilling fear of just about everything they can conjure up into the minds of a dumb downed American populace.
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel
Problem – Reaction – Solution
Collectivists have long understood they will not be able to radically change this country over night. Rather, theirs is a step-by-step incremental approach of first undermining the foundations of this country by creating doubt and distrust in a illiterate TV-educated public that is both ignorant of its history and growing comfortable being controlled by a government no longer accountable to its people.
Ever since the 1920s, each new socialist response to a manufactured crisis has brought new crises, which then have been used as the excuse for new socialist and interventionist programs. In order to understand HOW these crises are used to mold public opinion and WHY there seems to be so many lately, you must understand the Hegelian dialectic.
- First a problem is created and designed to elicit a certain reaction from the public.
- Then the people demand something be done about the problem and
- willingly accept the pre-planned New World Order solution; a solution that always involves actions or legislation that never would have passed under normal circumstances.
1%. The book that the financial establishment doesn’t want you to read.: The first ever behind-the-curtain look at how banks really function, and their impact on society.
This book gives a genuine behind-the-curtain look at how banks really function and their impact on society. It reveals that banks create most of the money in an economy, not the state. It shows why inequality and discrimination against out-groups are institutional. It explains the banking mechanism that transfers wealth from the many to the few over time. It shows that, unlike almost all other industries, the banking sector enjoys unparalleled protection by the establishment against competition.
Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!
Manufactured Crisis
The buzzword of the nineties was “crisis.”
- We were told we had a health care “crisis” – justifying the government takeover of one-seventh of the U.S. economy.
- We were told we had a environmental “crisis” – justifying the government to impose far reaching new regulations on businesses.
- We were told we had a child care “crisis” – justifying the government to extend its reach into the family.
- We were told we have an energy “crisis” – justifying President Carter to create Department of Energy and spending multi billions of dollars to lessen our dependence on foreign oil.
Building on the achievements of their past fear based crisis-mongering, the enemies of your freedom have ramped up their fearmongering in the 21st century.
- We were handed a security “crisis” which enabled the military industrial complex to extend it’s influence militarizing local police departments and Americans abandoning their civil rights.
- Another manufactured financial “crisis” was created to pressure American taxpayers to transfer over $8 trillion of their wealth to international banksters and turn over control of their financial system to a collectivist world regulator.
- There is the health “crisis” brought on by a COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Countries around the world flexed their might closing borders, restricting travel, isolating people, and spending $trillions bailing out multi-national corporations while extending socialist measures to assuage the general public.
- There is the border crisis enabled by an open US/Mexican border that has expedited a biometric entry/exit tracking system that would track and control the movement of people.
Cloward-Piven Strategy
This Hegelian crisis mentality was rolled out to Americans in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation magazine by a pair of radical socialist Columbia University professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. David Horowitz summarizes it as: The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis.
The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
The End of America….The Cloward-Piven Strategy.
War on…
Those who wish to control the masses have always understood that the clever use of words and phrases to define a problem can limit the options in a policy debate. Perhaps no word in the American political lexicon that has been more abused is the word “war.”
America is constantly at war, both metaphorically and actually. There is a war on drugs, a war on poverty, a war on terror, and most recently a war on an invisible enemy, coronavirus. In each case, these bogus wars have provided a blank check for those enemies of our freedom to further erode the Constitution while undermining every legal principle to do whatever is needed to win. It demands that the citizens fall in line, sacrificing their children and their treasure as well as their constitutional rights as part of the noble endeavor.
It Will Never Happen Again
Following every contrived “crisis” in America, the response is always the same… to erode more liberties in exchange for the promise that it will never happen again. And the result is, it continues to happen again and again, only American citizens have LESS freedom.
We heard the same argument following the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado. The result was more school violence and our children being subjected to criminal scrutiny.
We heard it following the rash of hijackings during the ’70s and following the crash of TWA 800 and bombing of Pan Am 103. The result was that four airplanes could be hijacked simultaneously and used to attack Americas financial center and our nations capital.
We heard the argument following the bombing in Oklahoma City. The result was the total destruction of the World Trade Center.
In the wake of every Globalist inspired attack on America, we keep hearing especially politicians saying “we must do what needs to be done so that it never happens again.”
No, we don’t need to ensure it never happens again… we need to get at the root of the problem and address the reasons why we allow it to happen at all. I would suggest we need to get rid of those individuals and corporations that foment the problems and we need to incarcerate those individuals responsible for the lawlessness.
Americans should look inward and ask why our great country tolerates terrorism in our own country while condemning it elsewhere.
We should be asking why we support despots throughout the world in exchange for oil and then wonder why the victims in those regions consider us the enemy.
While some may feel a sense of security giving up their rights as American citizens, the result will be… It WILL happen again. Only, next time, it will be bigger and even more dramatic.
With the proliferation of portable nuclear weapons, it’s not outside the sphere of possibility that one or more American cities will be laid waste in a nuclear holocaust.
Rioting in the Streets of America
“Current events form future trends.” – Gerald Celente
As the globalists continue to destroy the global economy and push the envelope of tyranny and oppression of the people, one might conclude the people might take to the streets and fight back. U.S. trend forecaster, Gerald Celente says, “When people lose everything and they have nothing to lose, they lose it.” If that were to happen, I would suspect it to be a short and bloody confrontation. The average citizen would be no match against the powerful militarized forces arrayed against them.
Can you imagine how the Hegelian dialectic might play out in this situation? What might begin as a peaceful protest by large numbers of people would quickly turn to violence and chaos by a small band of provocateurs like we have seen recently from the violent antifa organization. There would follow a massive reaction by the public to quell the violence and restore order. The result would likely be the same globalists that created the problem in the first place would happily step in to provide the solution: martial law.
US On The Brink Of Martial Law As Officials Implement Contact Tracing Methods To Track Rioters
Each of the manufactured crises we’ve experienced did not occur in a vacuum and without a purpose. There is a common denominator in each – government officials, most of whom suffer from an insatiable thirst for power, seize upon the disaster and tell the people…
“If you will just give us power over your lives and fortunes, we will taken care of you and protect you from harm.”
Obama the Puppet
The citizenry, many of whom live lives of fear and insecurity, cannot pass up the bargain. In exchange for a feeling of safety and security, another piece of the U.S. Constitution is abandoned and America is further weakened. Of course, the people discover that they are just as insecure as ever, if not more so, given the brutal methods that government resorts to in order to maintain its control.
And, folks, Democrats and Republicans alike are not only being duped by the collectivist propaganda, but in many cases are championing it. Completely mesmerized with glowing rhetoric and promises of change, the adoring followers of Barack Obama elected him to America’s highest political office in 2008. James Simpson wrote about “Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis,” in the American Thinker on Sept. 28, 2008. While some support his Marxist ideals, most are happily oblivious of his true agenda.
Should the rebellion escalate to a massive scale, it could be the perfect storm to prepare the way for the appearance of the Antichrist.
The Appearance of the AntiChrist
In light of the rights of Americans which protected our culture for 200 years being swept away, there is a new paradigm emerging. This Marxist paradigm hates inalienable rights and insists on defining new ones, while appealing to popular democratic consensus for their validation. As these changes continue to occur in the way laws are defined, enforced, and relate to each other, we will end up having very little freedom left.
The church, softened after years of good living and incapable of envisioning itself under persecution, will finally be ready to accept the antichrist.
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. – Revelation 13:16-17
Additional Reading: